chapter 28 I need you

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When I was in the hall, I walked over to one of the Aoma's neighbors door and gave it a knock.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice called from the other side of the door.

The door opened sightly, In the doorway was a woman probably in her thirties.

"Hi, I'm Rose, I was wondering if you heard anything strange nextdoor around three," I said.

"I could've sworn I heard a vacuum cleaner but it wasn't on for very long," The woman said.

"That would be it, thank you ma'am," I said with a small bow.

I ran back into the apartment 'Clever'

I looked at the shelf where the glass of water and key was. The glass was on the second shelf pushed against the side of shelf directly underneath the holes used to adjust the height. I took the key out of the water and located the vacuum cleaner. I flipped it over to reveal that fishing wire was spun around the brush at the bottom.

"I know how the killer did it now,"I announced.

"You mean locked the room?" Saguru asked.

"What else, I'll be using the same wire too," i said.

"Go on and show us then," The inspector said.

"Alright the first thing you do is tie your string to the brush of the vacuum, this has already been done by our most gracious killer. Next you take the end not tied to anything and walk over to the shelf, thread it through the hole used to adjust height. Tie a small knot at the end of the wire and slip the wire in between the layers of the keychain ring. Saguru if you'd please step into the room. take the key and wire to the otherside of the doorway closing and locking the door with the wire underneath. Turn on the vacuum when your done then Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt," I said turning on the vacuum, when the wire was gone I turned it off.

 "Well done Rose," Saguru said coming out of the room,"Do you know who the Killer is?"

"Yes I do, But before I announce who I want everyone in the room to pick a card," I said fanning out the deck from my pocket,"Before you even ask, Instead of a catchphrase I use card tricks, It's just my thing."

When everyone picked a card and looked at it I put the rest away.

"The killer is the one with the ace of spades," I said,"Now show your cards."

Every one did so except for Naomi's boyfriend. I took the card from his hands and showed the inspector.

"I knew it was him as soon as he said she was acting strange at three. If she really was depressed then she would have shown it for a while now and someone would have noticed most likely being her mother or brother. He was lying. Why did you do it?" I said.

He fell to his knees and began to weep,"Two years ago her father sold my mother a car with a dysfunctional air bag a month later she got into a minor accident,She would've been alright if the car was new but their was shrapnel in the air bag so when it inflated it shot into her body, she died in the hospital, it was slow and painful. Her father knew about the airbag but he sold it anyway. He doesn't know what it's like to have someone you know slip out of your fingers. I planed this months in advance so that when he was gone due to business he'll know the mistake he made. Everything happend the way you said,"He cried, bitter tears running down his face.

"Alright let's take him away,"Miguire said to his men.

Saguru and I followed the inspector out the building. Outside the door were several reporters, as soon as they saw Saguru their faces lit up and they made a B-line in our direction.

"Saguru, how does it feel to solve another case," One reporter asked.

"Well actually I didn't solve this one," Saguru said,"I let my friend here solve it."

"Well in that case miss can you tell us your name and how you met Saguru?" The reporter said shoving the mic in my face. 

"Well, I am known as Rose Adler The Magician's Detective, and well I met Saguru during his stay in London I solved a case, and well he had actually made a wrong deduction and I corrected him," I said.

"Oh I've heard of you before you've been solving cases around the world for about a year now. Can you please tell us How you got the name Rose Adler The Magician's Detective?" Another reporter asked.

"I can answer that question for you,"Saguru said,"I gave her the name Rose Adler and the part about the magician's detective was added later," Saguru said.

"Rose means beauty and Adler refers to Irene Adler, Sherlock holmes's equal. So basically it was Saguru trying to flatter me. The Magician's Detective Part was added due to my extensive use of card tricks to reveal the culprit,"I said.

"What do you mean by 'trying to flatter' you, clearly it worked," He said gently turning my face to look at him, he was so close he leaned in and kissed me.

I completely forgot the media was there. I put my arms around his neck embracing him.

He stopped and pressed his forehead against mine,"I love you,"I whispered.

"Come to my house at Six for dinner,"He whispered back to me.

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