chapter 22 Till there was you

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"Why else would I include them in my advance notice?"


"Shh," Kid said putting his finger to his lip.

Some one began to play the acoustic guitar, I looked over kids shoulder to see it was Saguru. It was a carefree, joyful tune, one that I had heard many times when I was younger.

"There were bells, on a hill, but I never heard them ringing. No I never heard them at all, Till there was you,"Hakuba sang sweetly, walking upstage,"There were birds in the sky, but I never sar them winging, no I never sar them at all. Till there was you. Then there was music and wonderful roses, they tell me in sweet fragrant meadows, of dawn and dew, there was love, all around. But I never heard it singing, no I never heard it at all till there was you," then again the sweet weeping of the guitar, bringing memories pouring back,"And then there was music, and wonderful roses, they'd tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew, That there was love all around, but I never heard it singing, no I never heard it at all, Till there was you. Till there was you-"

As he finished the last chords I could feel every nerve relax no longer angry or resentful.Then I noticed he was wearing his deerstalker cap and matching coat. We really did look like Irene and Sherlock, we had the same initials too. I chuckled, I don't think anyone noticed though. I could hear his footsteps come closer.

But then I felt something hot shoot by my arm and hit the floor, Saguru must have seen it to because we both looked at the floor where it should have been. My heart stopped in the floor was a hole, a bullet hole. Before i realized it Saguru had swept me off my feet and ran me back stage. He set me down.

"Are you alright?"He asked.

I nodded.

"Nakamori, forget about kid tonight, someone just tried to kill her," Saguru said.

"Oh alright, but I'll get him next time I swear," the inspector yelled at the ceiling waving his fist.

I looked out towards kid who now had the mic in hand," Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to leave the theatre in an ordered fashion, and if you see any armed suspicious figures, excluding myself of course, please report them to any of the guards, stationed at the doors" he put the mic back, then he turned towards us and shouted,"Hold the gems to the moon light, if they turn red, you must get rid of them. Now go to the roof and get into a helicopter, your not safe yet!"

I took off the dress shoes I was wearing and grabbed them with one hand, while grabbing Saguru's arm with the other. We made a B-line to the staircase leading to the roof.

"Do you know what's going on?" Saguru asked.

"No idea,"I yelled back at him.

Saguru stopped. I looked back he was panting. That's when I heard footsteps. there were at least ten of them, they were no officers that's for sure.

"We have to keep going," I said.

We began running again up the stairs when a gun went off right behind me. I turned and saw the people in pursuit.

"It's them," I said.


"Hehe, HEY GIN! I stole your car!" I shouted throwing one shoe, hitting him in the face, and the next hitting another man,"Okay let's go!"I said sprinting up the stairs faster now.

"I'll Kill you Kudo!" Gin shouted angrily.

"Yeah, but you'll have to catch me first!" I shouted back.

"You shouldn't taunt them like that," Saguru said.

"Fine I'll stop,"I promised.

We reached the door to the roof, quickly we slipped passed it and ran to the 'copter that was waiting we filed into the back.

"Is there a camera in here?" I asked the pilot.

"Yeah," he said tossing one back.

I quickly snapped a photo when the men came out onto the roof.

"Did you really steal their car?" Saguru asked.

"Yeah, it's the porsche parked in front of the police station. The dudes broke into my apartment armed, what else was I supposed to do?" I said.

"Why are you so kick ass?"

"Never expected you to say that. Well when people harm my friends and say things about me that are false, there asking for their asses to get kicked. Also I'm a fucking tomboy what do you expect?"

Yellow Roses (a detective conan and Magic Kaito fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora