chapter 16 karaoke

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next day karaoke bar

Isbel 's pov

Currently we had sang bohemian rhapsody, Killer Queen, the sound of silence, and bennett built a time machine.

"all right next up is When I'm sixty Four by the Beatles and is to be sung by.... Isbel and Saguru," Kaito announced with a devilish grin.

"WHAT!" Saguru and I shouted in unison.

Kaito chuckled wile pushing us both to the mic. I looked at Saguru, he was blushing.

Then the music started to play.

Saguru took the mic, we both began to bob to the up beat music, and then he began to sing,"When I get older losing my hair, many years from now . . . will you still be sending a valentine, birthday greeting bottle of wine. . .  If I've been out till quarter till three will you lock the door? Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty four."

"You'll be older too! And if you say the word I could stay with you," I sang with a smile.

"I could be handy mending a fuse when your lights have gone, you can knit a sweater by the fire side..."He sang.

"Sunday mornings go for a ride" we sang together.

"Doing the garden digging the weeds. Who could ask for more?" I continued.

"Will you still need me, Will you still feed me When I'm Sixty Four!"

"Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight If it's not too dear."

"we shall scrimp and save"

"Grandchildren on your knee Vera, Chuck..."

"And Dave"

"send me a postcard drop me a line stating point of view ... indicate precisely what you mean to say your sincerely..."

"Waisting away"

"Give me your answer fill in a form"

"Mine forever more,"I sang nudging him.

"Will you still need me will you still feed me when i'm sixty four.Whoo!"

"Aw, you two look so cute together," Kaito teased.

I blushed and looked at Saguru who did the same Quickly i looked away blushing even more.Truth be told I did like him.

"Say who did recommend that song?" I asked.

"Um... I d-did,"Saguru said. I looked at him he was blushing.

"You sure you're just friends. Cuz it doesn't look that way to me," Aoko said.

"What! No no it's not like that I-I."He stuttered.

"Well then Aoko please describe you relationship with Kaito. Because you two look like a couple, mind explaining that," I said smiling.

"I-I-I,"she started.

"I'll save you from further embarrassment Aoko And explain in the way you could not and the way Saguru could not.Looks can be deceiving, things aren't always what they seem, relationships are more complicated than you may think so don't go around saying things about other's, you may regret it later," I said.

"I-I'm sorry," Aoko said.

"It's alright," Saguru said placing his arm around my shoulder,"I know she meant no harm. As for Kaito eh..."

"Go die," I said flipping him off.

"That isn't very lady like now is it," Kaito said.

"Alright then I can tell them everything," I said.

"You wouldn't dare," Kaito respond.

"Would too, I'd make a bad enemy so don't even go there,"I said smirking.

"Can we all just agree here on something, She has too much power on her hands," Kaito said.

"I do, I really do," I said between lauphes.

"What just happened?" Saguru asked.

"Inside joke," Kaito lied.

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