Untitled Part 39 papa gene's blues

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"People often say that the world is full of hate, but is this necessarily true? There are many ways to describe the world we live in, but 'full of hate'? Yes there are people out there that do evil things but that doesn't mean that the world is full of hate. It just means that the innocent people of society should act up to stop the deeds that tear apart our world. Why do so many people question their place in life when they can simply make a place in life, no matter how small the action is, after all Rome wasn't built in a day."             ~Diana Hull

Isbel's pov

Saguru  left the room, the lad he had been talking to put his cap on and walked over. I could tell he was annoyed by something.

I looked him down with curiosity,"Penny for your thoughts."

He mumbled something.

"I didn't quite catch that, do you mind repeating it?"

"What do you see in that guy?" he said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Don't tell him I said any of this but, He's not perfect, no one is. You might see a narcissistic snob who points out your flaws in order to make himself look good. Some of that's true, however that just reflects the way he was raised. First impressions are important, but not always accurate. I've known him for about two years, I know him better than anyone else, he's sensitive and it takes time for him to open up to people, but when and if he does open up you'll see how kind, sweet,honest, and caring he really is. He knows how sestative he is and he's afraid of being hurt, so he closes himself off from people, and makes it seem as though he's a different person. You haven't known him long enough to accurately judge him," I said.

 You haven't known him long enough to accurately judge him," I said

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"Okay I didn't ask for a biography,"He said raising his hands.

"Pardon me for asking, but who exactly are you?"

"Hattori Heiji, highschool detective," he said standing straighter.

"Oh thats cool, what do you specialize in?"I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what  kind of cases do you prefer to solve?"

He sat there in deep concentration,"The tough ones,"he said.

"I prefer locked room murders, I guess they appeal to the magician inside me," I said.

"Y-your a detective?"

"And a magician," I said.

"How many cases have you worked on?"

"Hmmm, let me think, I'd say about 300..."

"That's nothing!"

I looked at him unamused,"300 in the UK, 200 in France, 200 in Spain, 200 in the US, and 100 in Canada. And how many have you solved?" I said.

"About 1000, but I don't travel out of country. Uh, I don't think I caught your name,"He said.

" My Name is Isabelle Arens, you call me Isbel or by my pen name Rose, anything else is  forbidden,"I said

"So I can't call you Izzy," Heiji asked.

""If you have a sudden death wish you could," I said.

"Soo... Isbel, why do you have a pen name?"

"To protect my family and other people I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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