chapter 11 another one bites the dust

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Isbel's pov

"kaito I'm stealing your canteen!,"I ran to the bed room grabbed the backpack with with kaito's belongings in it located Kaito's canteen, my lighter, a wire clothes hanger, a flat head screwdriver, and a coil of metal wire.

I headed over to the window and yelled at my friends"climb down the fire escape and stand next to the car!"

They did so without questions.

Before exiting myself I wrote a note and left it on the table.

running down the fire escape i bent the hanger into the shape i wanted and rushed to the driver's side of the car. I slid the mutilated hanger in to the weather striping and unlocked the door. "File in I wan't Kaito in the front!" I barked.

I ran to the hood of the car and opened it I put the wire in place, searched for 'bugs', and crossed the terminals with a screwdriver to rev the engine. I jumped in the driver's seat and unlocked the steering wheel with the screwdriver.

"No keys needed!" I joked, while putting the pedal to the metal.

"I love your personality," Kaito said.

Gin's pov

(this is the only time)

The target had fled the scene but he had left a note;

'Hope u didn't need ur car

I O U           Rose ; )

Ps help urself to cinnamon rolls'

Yellow Roses (a detective conan and Magic Kaito fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora