chapter 20 Can't buy me love

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The theatre

Isbel's pov

Inspector Nakamori, showed me around the Theatre's backstage, telling me were all the guards would be posted and eventually he led me to the dressing room I would be using. The inspector left me in the room to change and style my hair. But I couldn't help but wonder why Saguru hadn't come or if he had where he was.

There was a knock at the door, I opened it and in stepped Ran. 'Shit she still thinks I'm...'

"Kudo you've got a lot of explaining to do!" She yelled at me.

I looked at her and laughed.

"What's so funny Shinichi,"She asked bitterly.

"Well you can say that I am Kudo but you won't have any proof will you. In fact I have proof that I am not kudo, for instance my driver's license,medical records, and birth certificate. But then again even those could be fake I guess, however those are better than a box of photos clumsy put together. So till you find something better I'm still Isbel Arens nothing else,"I said handing her my license.

"Alright,"She said calming down,"Do you want help with your hair?"

"I'm fine thank you, uh say have you seen Hakuba any where?"I asked.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Well I haven't seen or heard from him since friday. I'm starting to get worried,"I said.

"Well what happened? Did a case come up?" She asked.

"N-no he invited me somewhere, but he didn't seem like himself," I said.

"Acting strange, like in what way?" She asked.

"Well he was all red and he acted different around other people. He said he would be here no matter what, Well I think I know what's up but still he hasn't shown up," I said.

"You know what, If I see him I'll tell 'em you want to talk to him after the show," she said.

"Thanks,"I said. Something told me I would be having more trouble with her later,"I know how you feel Ran."


"Yeah someone important to me just left, for eight years, and now he dares to show his face, I swear I'm gonna give him a shiner," I said tensing my hands till they turned white.

" Do you mean Hakuba?" Ran asked.

"No. I'm talking about Kid. He was a like a second father, and then without a word he up and leaves. I thought he was dead," I said angrily punching the vanity.

"Is that why you're here to tell him your . . ."

I nodded.

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