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Kayla Summers

I sighed when Hailey ran in the shoe store looking at them ugg slides she liked that she got like 5 pairs of already.

"Ouuu, mommy look they got grey one's ion have these yet." She said excitedly too and I'm finna shut it down.

"No Hailey you already have enough." I said grabbing her hand and she pouted making me sigh.

Tears rolled down her face as she held my hand, "Come on big girl you doing a lot you already have enough." I said.

She nodded and I wiped her face, "Hi B, Hi Kayla, Hi Veah." I heard Kay all the way across the mall.

Lord the ghetto...

"Hey." He said when he walked up to us, "Why you gotta be so loud though Kay?" I asked and he looked at me.

"So y'all can hear me duh." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I chuckled shaking my head, "Hey peep." Jay said hugging me, "Hey Jay." I said as he let me go.

"Who are you." Hailey said making him look down at her, "Sup lil mamas what to name?" He asked.

She smiled, "Hailey, but everybody calls me Hai." She said shyly hiding behind my leg.

I chuckled now she wanna be shy, "Hey Hai, my name Jayceon but everybody call me Jay." He said.

He held his hand out and she shook it, "Why you crying lil mama?" He asked and she looked at me.

"Cause my mommy don't wanna get me some shoes I want." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Girl bye." I said and he picked her up whispering something in her ear, I looked at them.

She nodded and he sat her down and she ran towards Veah and Bullets, "What y'all was talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing we just had ah little wager." He said putting his arm around my shoulder making me look at him.

"Wager my ass." I said pattting his stomach, he chuckled looking down at me.

"Wager like I said." He said and I looked at him trying not to laugh, "I gotta go grab something real quick I'll be back." He said.

I nodded and he headed in the other direction Hai came back to me and I picked her up walking into Justice.

She grabbed some stuff she liked and I grabbed some stuff for her and paid for it and when we walked out we meet back up with Jay.

"Here you go lil mama." He said handing her a box, she smiled and ran towards Veah and them screaming.

I looked at him, "Why." I said looking at him  and he glanced at me, "She looked real sad so I got it for her." He said.

I sucked my teeth, "She already has like 5 pairs." I said and he looked at me, "Add to the collection." He said.

I sucked my teeth, and huffed I give the fuck up I walked to the food court picking Hailey up.

"Whatcha want Hai?" I asked and she shrugged laying her head on my shoulder, "You sleepy?" I asked.

She nodded, she heavy asl though, "How bout this you stand here and wait and when I get our food you can sleep in my lap, okay?" I said.

She nodded standing beside me, "Can you hold me she taking too long." She treid to whisper and I looked back seeing Jay holding her.

She was asleep I shook my head at her and order our food and tried to pay but Jay paid for me.

I side eyed him, "You spend your money a lot." I said and he shrugged rocking Hailey.

"You gotta child?" I asked and he shook his head, I side eyed him he real good with kids not to have a child

"Oh." I said pulling my phone out glancing at them every once inna while to check on them.

I heard them call our order making me grab our food and walk to a table sitting down.

Hailey stirred awake and looked at me, "Can I have my food now mommy, pwease." She said.

I nodded handing her, her food opening my China's food eating the shrimps with the rice.

"Gimme some." Jay said as Hailey laid on him eating her food making me slide my plate over to him.

He always wanna eat my food, he slide it back and I looked at him, he ate half of it.

He looked at me and chuckled, "You gon be okay." He said, I ate the rest with a attitude.

Then I had to walk with the man cause Hailey wanted him to walk with us through the mall.

"Hailey go mess B and Kay." He whispered and she ran off towards them making me chuckle.

He put his arm around me and I shrugged it off, he just put it back pulling me closer to him.

"You needs lose the attitude." He whispered in my ear and I shrugged, "Stop playing with me, lose the damn attitude." He said grabbing my throat

Done turned me on....

I sighed, "But you ate my food." I whined and he chuckled, "I'll buy you some more." He wrapping his arm back around my shoulder.

I smiled doing a little dance, Hailey ran back over to us and he picked her up he gone stop picking her up.

"I want Auntie Annie's." She cheesed innocently making me shake my head at her.

She smiled and I looked at her, "Come on." I said and she did a dance making me chuckle.

We got the cinnamon pretzels and walked to the exit since I was done shopping and was getting tired.

We walked outside and he helped me put the bags in the car, I put Hailey in her seat and opened the driver door.

I texted the girls telling them I'm leaving and they responded with okay's making me exit out the group chat.

"Gimme a hug mamas." He said opening his arms making me hug him and he smiled.

"See you later and I want you to answer the phone when I call you." He said making me nod smiling.

I got in the car pulling off and heading home, "Mommy I like him he nice you should keep him." Hailey said still eating her cinnamon pretzels.

I chuckled, "Okay baby." I said parking in th drive way helping her out the car.


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