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just a hunk of metal

san was always told at a young age that he was a good singer. before he was ultimately isolated behind walls of thick glass, he liked to perform little concerts for his family. he would sing and dance his little heart out for his parents until his chubby little legs couldn't hold him up any longer. these were the very few happy memories that he shared with his family and he cherished them more than any precious jewel imaginable. these moments in fact, inspired his passion for the performing arts and also his odd habit of dancing in front of the bathroom mirror. naked. obviously.

"i'm so sick of this fAkE lOvE, fAkE lOvE, fAkE lOvE~" he belted as he combed through his freshly washed hair. the damp strands fell along the sides of his face as he wiggled his wet body along to the sounds of his voice. his voice echoed along the foggy walls and his words visible with the steam.

the song he sung was one of his favourites, and he sang it every time he stood in the mirror. why you may ask? because one of the moves to the songs dance involved shaking and flexing your arms, and the silly boy used this as an excuse to shake the very few droplets on his arms off.

yeosang heard the boy singing from the other room as he normally did whenever san bathed. it though it was rather odd that the boy sang the same song every time he washed himself, as well as the fact that san sang horribly off key. it giggled as it thought of what san would look like standing in front of the foggy mirror, watching his odd reflection dance from within the glass. maybe it was as cute as it sounded.

today yeosang's curiosity got the better of it and it chose to investigate. yeosang walked over to the bathroom and slowly turned the door's knob. with a light nudge of a hand, the door swung open and San came into view.

the boy stood there in all his naked glory. his perfectly toned stomach glistening with the thin layer of water that coated his skin, his towel hung low and loose on his hips showing off his v-line and his meaty arms flexing every now as then as he lifted them to run through his hair. if yeosang was a normal person maybe, his face would have been a stark red. lucky for it, it wasn't. yeosang watched as san continued to dance and shake before finally noticing the curious head that had popped through the crack in the door.

san screamed and dropped his comb. he practically jumped once his eyes met yeosang's and his cheeks immediately turned pink. his singing came to an abrupt stop as he stuttered out the following words with a high pitched shriek.

"dude! what the fuck! ever hear about privacy?" he pointed an accusing finger at the confused android as he stumbled to pick up his dropped comb.

"yes i have."

"then why are you spying on me?"

"your singing was off, i just wanted to tell you."

"couldn't you have told me after?"

just as the boy finished his sentence, the towel around his waist fell to soggily you the ground. exposing him in front of yeosang. san's hands instinctively shot in front of his exposed member and he let out an embarrassed squeal. "my god please leave." he whined, voice thickly laced with shame.

the android smirked.

"might i say choi san, your genitals are of above average standards." yeosang chuckled and opened the door wider so that it could move further in. it took a small step forward and leaned close to San's ear.

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