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this is my first kiss

warning | excuse my horrible attempt at writing kissing. i barely managed to do it without squealing and dying of embarrassment (//v//) ◢

san didn't even wait for yeosang to respond before dragging it towards the bedroom. with yeosang's cheeks still cupped in his hands and squashed words helplessly falling from its smushed lips, san pushed the helpless android onto the bed and smirked.

"what are you doing?" yeosang asked.

"i'm showing you what you asked," the boy shrugged.

"i asked you to explain the joke, not throw me onto a bed —wait. why are you taking off my shirt? oh! is it bedtime already?"

"yeosang the jokes you were telling me are called pick-up lines. they're things you say to someone you're sexually attracted to when you want them to like you back."

the android paused for a moment as if to process the boy's words. after a few seconds of shifting gears, awkward silence and a whiney -needy- san, yeosang gasped. its small hands came flying up to clasp over its mouth. "are you sexually attracted to me San!?"

san's jaw went slack, cheeks heating up like never before. a part of him wanted so badly to just end his suffering and just yeet himself off a bridge. no matter what yeosang says, he always finds a way to top his last flustering statement.

"bitch i- yes! duh, how can you not . . . never mind. yes. and i swear to god if you call me horny- "

"but you are though. . . oh! is that why you're always saying weird things and why your heart rate goes crazy whenever i ask you to put in my batteries? or why you had an erection when i was naked?!"

"i swear your goal in life is to make me die of shame," the boy grunted. he let out a huff and crossed his arms over his chest. he was beginning to question what he was going; second guessing his thoughts. but then he stared back down at -a shirtless- yeosang and everything came back.

he couldn't quite explain the feelings he got whenever he was around the other. racing hearts and butterflies fluttering in his stomach were normal sure, but those feelings being cause by an android wasn't. san knew it wasn't normal but then again nothing about him was.

maybe it was desperation or simply the fact that yeosang was the only source of happiness in his life, but san cherished these feelings he had. even if they weren't exactly what he wanted.

san discarded Yeosang's shirt on the ground and climbed onto the bed. he cupped yeosang's cheeks once again. he tried so hard to conceal his excitement, his eyes slowly morphed into small little crescents and cheeks puffing up happily with glee.

"i'm going to kiss you now. is that okay?" he whispered.

yeosang nodded and whispered back. "have you ever kissed someone before?"

"no, have you?"

"of course not! i'm only a year old."

the boy's little eyes crescents turned into giant saucers. he swallowed thickly and gave the other an award grimace. "wow, okay now I feel like a pedo."

"what's a pedo?"

"someone old who prays upon children for sexual pleasure."

"ew! then yes, you should."

"hust shut up and kiss me you stupid robot." san pulled yeosang closer and brought their lips together. the kiss was awkward at first. san's inexperienced lips fumbling over yeosang's synthetic ones. the android's lacked the tingling warmth that normal human lips would hold, but they were just as soft and lush like san had dreamed of.

san tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss, content hums rolled off his tongue as he did. he placed his hands on the android's shoulder and gripped them tightly, gently pulling the other closer to him so he could wrap his arms around its neck. yeosang using this as an opportunity to pull San up onto his lap and rest his hands on his hips. yeosang squeezed them tightly and a soft moan escaped san's lips.

that's when a light electric shock buzzed along san's tongue and he pulled back with a small yelp. san brought his hand to his mouth and groaned. "ow."

"oh my gosh I'm so sorry," yeosang fretted. "i-i didn't mean to, it just happened."

the elder couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh from behind his hand. "w-was that your version of a boner?" he teased.

"an erection?"

san nodded.

"i think so?" yeosang mumbled back. "i'm not entirely sure though, i've never had one before."

"i just gave an android a boner."

"agh stop it!"

"i gave you a boner!~" the boy singsonged.

"san stop talking."

"wait, if that's your version of a boner than what's the point in you having such a huge cock? it's not like you can use it right?"

"i think if i had blood, my cheeks would be flushed with embarrassment right now." yeosang uttered with a bored tone.

"oh! that's why it's through your tongue and not your dick! it's because you don't have blood!"

"and I am now, no longer in the mood to kiss you back." yeosang groaned, rolling his eyes and lightly nudging San off his lap.

"wait, Yeosang-"

"too late you big pervert."

"please," San pouted, jutting his lips out and clasping his hands together cutely. yeosang couldn't help but roll his eyes and let out a defeated sigh. he couldn't say no to that face.

"ugh fine, but please stop talking."


"please pick, please pick up, please pick up," he muttered as the phone dial rang. he tried his best to keep his voice down as yeosang got ready for bed.

finally the receiver picked up the phone and san let out a relived sigh.

"yo satan, what's up?"

"jongho i need your help."


"i think i have feelings for yeosang and they aren't normal."

wowhsiwjwwisishwh i'm sorry this chapter is sosnsosjsiejeiejw it's just kissing gifdjsbsishaijwwhwiwjw

fentyways! uh, is it okay if i call you guys 'butterflies'? cause like, with my other story i did that for those readers and it was kinda our little thing and i really wanna do that with you guys too since i love you all . . .

also, holy namjesus this story passed 500 reads! thank you! merci! gracias! 감사합니다! ありがとう! (i'm sorry if i missed ur language, i only know so many o('^)o ) love you Mariposas lots! ♡♡♡♡

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