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i've created a monster

San ran into the bedroom and hid under the covers, his body trembling and shaking vigorously with an overbearing heat. The patting of soft feet sounding along the floor outside his door made his body tense.


"Oh God, I've created a monster." The boy whispered to himself. "Y-yes?" He gulped, trying his best not to focus too hard on the hardening member in his pants.

"Come and give me a kiss!" Yeosang cried. San could literally hear the Yeosang's lips quivering.

"My lips are freaking swollen," he whined out.

He let out a gasp when he heard the door swing open. Yeosang peeked its head in and giggled when it spotted the large lump on the bed. It crept over and launched itself onto San.

"I found you," it giggled.

"You're gonna kill me," the boy huffed out from under Yeosang, chest feeling like it would collapse. "Get off your crushing me."

Yeosang did as told, but not before peeling the covers off of San's body. It cupped his face and peppered his cheeks with countless soft kisses.

"Kiss me, kiss me," he said between kisses, a large smile spreading across its pink lips.


San rolled over fully, Yeosang's head chin propped up on his chest. "Kiss me again, I promise I won't ask you anymore~"

"Fine," San mumbled in defeat. He kissed Yeosang just as asked, although let's be real. He enjoyed every second of it.

This, however, wasn't the first time San had been chased down and showered with love and affection. It had actually become common practice amongst the two.

Yeosang would spring up out of nowhere and envelope San in tight hugs, then he'd proceed to smother the boy with kisses and endless love. The android had grown rather fond of this form of affection, and would literally pester the poor boy until he finally gave in and kissed him back.

At first, San thought it was cute, but over time it got more and more irritating. Not because he didn't like the kisses -he loved them greatly- it was just that he struggled so hard to maintain his sanity and not press the other up against the wall and give him something real to whine about.

"Yeosang please," he begged. His computer screen open, showing off the half-finished psychology assignment. He'd been trying to finish up the essay for an hour now but that proved quite difficult with Yeosang sitting on his lap. "Let me work."

"Give me a hug then," Yeosang pouted.

It'd been rather moody this morning because Sam refused to give him a morning kiss like they did in the movies Yeosang had watched.

"I will, just as soon as I finish my work."

Yeosang giggled in protest, unknowingly grinding its ass on San's crotch. A low groan escaped his lips and his hands instinctively gripped at Yeosang's hips. Yeosang gasped and ceased his movements. Its body stiffened when it felt San's chest press firmly against its back, the boy's hot breath fanning the skin on its neck.

"Don't do that," San hissed, lips barely grazing the shell of Yeosang's ears. His grip on the other's waist tightened as if to give a warning.

Yeosang swallowed thickly. Its never heard San's voice like this before. It wasn't angry or threatening, but it still managed to make Yeosang shiver. It was lustful. "O-okay."

"Good." he leaned back and sighed, his hands falling limps at his sides.

"But Sannie, what's poking my butt?"

the story hit 1k! Yay!! Thank you all for reading! hongjoong and i send our love!

]the story hit 1k! Yay!! Thank you all for reading! hongjoong and i send our love!

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