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𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵

time ticked away with agonizingly slow strokes of the clock arm. yeosang's impatient eyes slowly fluttering shut in his tired haze.

he wasn't uncomfortable in his place on the king-sized bed, nor did he feel awkward being held so closely to seonghwa's sleeping form. in fact, he almost didn't want to move from the bed to sneak off into the lobby to call san. almost.

he took in a sharp inhale and snuggled closer to seonghwa's chest, nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck. the elder's shallow breaths ghosted over his skin softly. the boy finding the gentle sound so soothing; so soft. it was a lullaby meant for only lovers to hear, and it was one he'd grown to enjoy over the past few days. he wondered if this was the same song that junyoung heard every night.

was it wrong that he liked the sound? was it wrong that he liked the way the elder held him so tenderly? they way seonghwa's hold felt so warm and loving; the comfort so addicting.

if felt different then with san, not better, but still enjoyable. it was like the ghost of the elder's love had come back to haunt yeosang for taking junyoung's place. the feeling wasn't unwelcoming nor cold, but it didn't feel like it was meant to be his.

it felt stolen.

seonghwa hummed and tightened his hold around yeosang's smaller form. "why aren't you in sleep mode?" his voice deep and heavily coated with sleep.

yeosang shook his head and pulled back so he could face the elder. "I have a question for you, a-about your past lover. i-if you don't mind me asking of course," he mumbled meekly. his eyes burning pink at the thought of potentially angering seonghwa despite the elder never showing anything but love and care for him.

"it's okay to ask me questions. i'll answer anything you ask of me junyoung."

the smaller tried hard to hide the pained expression from taking over his face, but he couldn't help it at the sound of the name.

"w- . . . would he have wanted this? me i mean. do you think he'd be okay with me taking his place? because every time i look at your wedding photos i feel like he's judging me." he slowly brought his eyes up to meet seonghwa's. the elder's eyes shifting softly. "it feels like he's mad at me hyung, and i don't like it." he mumbled the last part through trembling lips.

yeosang searched seonghwa's eyes for any sort of discomfort or anger. he tried his best to tell if those dark chocolate orbs hid more than just that tale of a broken love story.

"no." seonghwa answered planly. his voice so monotone yeosang could've sworn he sounded more like an android than he did. 

the younger gave him a baffled look; seonghwa's bluntness surprising him.

"then why did you do it all?"

seonghwa leaned in closer to place a tender kiss to yeosang's forehead and pulled his body back closer to his own. he rested his chin softly to the crown of yeosang's head and sighed.

"because i'm a selfish man."

the next morning yeosang found himself cuddled up to a large body pillow as apposed to seonghwa. a part of him didn't like the way the discovery disappointed him. he let out a small huff but smiled nonetheless.

the time on the clock read two-thirty in the morning and yeosang wondered why seonghwa wasn't still in bed sleeping. but for the time being, he paid the elder's absence no mind.

right now, he had to focus on how exactly he was to sneak his way down to the building's lobby and into the front desk to call his sannie.

he didn't know where seonghwa was so that meant the elder was either up super early for work -which actually happened a lot more often then yeosang had thought- or he's in another room in the suite. if he was still in the suite than yeosang had absolutely no chance on sneaking out; the bedroom was the furthest room from the door and if yeosang ever wanted to leave he'd have to pass through the kitchen which was where seonghwa often worked.

"ugh, nu. why can't he work in the study like a normal person?" he whined with a frustrated huff. he pulled lightly at the bronze tuffs of hair on his head, racking his motherboard for any ideas as to how he could sneak out without getting caught.

he slowly pushed the covers from his tiny body. he made a small point to place his body pillow under the covers to make it look like he was still sleeping. although his attempt was cute it wasn't very convincing. it was really dark, and his sensors couldn't see that the entire first two feet of the pillow was visible from under the covers and was actually pressed up against the bed's headboard.

"perfect," he nodded proudly.

he quickly shuffled his way over to the door and peeked his head out. he tried his best to look for any signs of his hyung but ultimately found none.

he groaned quietly to himself and cursed his inability to see properly in the dark like most other androids. he silently wondered if seonghwa had designed him like that on purpose or not. he pushed the thought away immediately along with the door.

he slipped out of the room and snuck his way into the living room. "don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious~" he sang as he quietly tiptoed his way down the hall and into the kitchen. the soft pads of his feet creating an uneven tune to his little song.

a small shuffling sound echoed off the kitchen wall and yeosang froze. his body stiffened and he tried standing as still as possible in hopes of not getting caught.


he stayed where he was, back facing the kitchen. "yes?"

"why are you standing by the door at two in the morning, without pants on?"

yeosang hadn't noticed he was almost naked from the waist down. he squeaked and pulled his shirt further down his legs.

"i, uh—pants are for suckers and i don't want to be a basic bitch."

seonghwa seemingly chocked on whatever late-night snack he'd been previously eating. a loud fit of giggles followed the sound and yeosang's ears perked up. the sound was so soft and childlike the younger found it seemingly impossible to believe that it came from someone as intimidating as seonghwa.

"where did you learn that?" seonghwa wheezed.

"from sannie."

seonghwa's laughs slowly melted into a sound of curiosity, and then into a sigh of watered-down frustration.

there was a long moment of uncomfortable stillness and yeosang felt himself getting more and more anxious with every passing second.

the look of hurt on seonghwa's face made yeosang's chest squeeze with guilt and shamed and he whimpered.

"you really like that boy don't you?"

yeosang nodded his head viciously, "mhm, i do~! sannie had always been so nice to me, even if i can't remember everything that's happened between us."

"is that why you're trying to sneak out? is it to see him?"

yeosang crumbled in on himself and let out a small cry. "p-please hyung. i-i just want to talk to him, that's all. please let me."

yeosang looked to be on the verge of tears—although he couldn't nessesarily cry. his shoulders shook and his eyes swirled a deep electric blue.

seonghwa sighed and stepped over to the younger. he placed a hand on one of yeosang's trembling shoulders and squeezed lightly.

"you can talk with him if it'll make you happy. but just for a bit okay? it's really late."

i'm sorry, but my seosang heart just needed this. please don't hate me~! TT

also yeosang didn't lie, pants are for losers ♡o。.(✿ฺ。✿ฺ)

𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨  ᵃᵗᵉᵉᶻWhere stories live. Discover now