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Chapter 25

Tiana's Perspective

"You're that once in a lifetime dream come true."-Saurabh Kumar


I am a woman of self-sabotage. When things are going too good I always find some reason for it not to be, some reason to doubt myself. Maybe it's because I didn't understand my worth, but many things had happened in my life at just the age of twenty-two that had left me scarred. This time was different though. I didn't sabotage with him, I only let go.

Though we had only known one another for less than two months he was already changing me for the better. I felt myself around him, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. I was in utter bliss at the moment. Owen and I had spent the whole day together. He had taken me skating at some huge rink in Atlanta. Which was a long trip on the road, but since we had nothing else to do for the day, why not?

It was more than just simply dating, he was slowly becoming a super close friend of mine who I had feelings for, like crazy. We had so much in common, but so much about us was different. Since I didn't know how to skate I thought it was cute when he tried to show me and take charge, which he did a lot with many things.

After hours of skating, eating, and hanging out in Atlanta all day we got back to Savannah around midnight. I didn't want to wake Ally up at this time of the night by coming into the house late and I didn't really want to leave Owen either, so I was convinced into spending the night at his place.

We stood at his front door outside in the cold as he searched for his keys to get inside. I had to get used to living in a coastal city, the weather always switched drastically out of nowhere. I couldn't stop laughing as he continued patting all over his body for them. I tried keeping it down since it was so late and he lived in a nice neighborhood. His apartment complex looked comfortable and cute but not too expensive, which was just my taste.

"Damn I know I just had them in my hands when I got out the car."

I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock, "did you leave them in the car?"

"Don't speak that into existence Tia."

He jogged back over to his parking spot finding the keys sitting on the hood of his truck. I put my hand on my hip giving him a blank expression.

"Really dude?"

"You were distracting me laughin' and shit." He said shrugging.

"Whatever you say absent-minded ass."

    He unlocked the door letting me inside first. The living room light was on but the rest of the apartment was dark. He closed the door locking it before turning on a few more lights.

"I gotta piss." He went to the bathroom sitting his keys on the living room table.

"Too much information."

I looked around taking in my environment. His place was much different than I had imagined. Very neat and organized. The thing that surprised me the most was his book collection. I stood in the same spot hugging my waist observing his place of residence. The interior design was rather dark, everything was mostly a brownish color and very calm and neutral. He came back from the bathroom drying his hands off with a napkin before throwing it away in the kitchen trash can.

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