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🎼 I have gone low... as in the lowest of the low.

Incredibly low even lower than Blaz because at least he stands up for himself.

Me stand up for myself? Why do that when I have a broom cupboard to hide me? 

I’m hiding from my ex-best friend how sad is that? I’ve even gotten back to wearing my black hood for precautions. 

I’m so pathetic but I’ll worry about being ashamed of myself later once he’s gone. I peeked through the crack in the door and jumped in fright when I saw him looking right back at me.

“I can’t believe you are hiding from me.”

“I’m not hiding from you.” I pathetically protested to fight for some dignity. It’s pointless I mean he must have caught me rush in here. He held the door open for me as I walked out shamefully hunching over.

“Angelica we need to talk about this, about last night.”

“What about?” I said stupidly unable to look at him in the eye.

“You know exactly what… Oh my God look at me Angie don’t be like this.”

“It’s your fault that I am like this! Nicole. Really? I wouldn’t have cared if it was anyone else but the person I hate the most. NICOLE!” Bullshit is just spilling out from my mouth. “What’s worse is… you… What were you even doing at that party?”

“Me? What about you?”

“Erica invited me but it seems to me that you have been going to parties like that for awhile.” I’m just taking a life-risking guess here.

“What? No I haven’t! I haven’t been going anywhere you know I would invite you with me…” I glared up at him seeing through his lies. I can’t believe he is actually trying to lie to me. “OK I went to a few but you’ve never been interested in that sort of thing.”

“Still a heads up would have been nice!”

“If that’s really what’s bothering you I’ll take you with me to the next one.”

“That’s not the point!”

He smiled triumphantly. “I knew it you’re bothered by me kissing Nicole and twisting things around. Besides it’s not like you’re any better making out with Blaz.” I stared at him shocked. “Yes that’s right I found out.”

“We didn’t make out he was using me to break up with your mole!”

“Oh shut up Angie! What is your problem?” He shouted.

I broke. “I thought that we...”

“We what?” He pushed.

“Doesn’t even matter anymore.” That’s it.

I can’t take this anymore I need to be away from him. Away from this school before everyone sees me burst into tears again. It shouldn’t hurt so badly but it does, it’s breaking me...

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