A/N || Headcanons

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You better be reading this.

Anyways, who loves a good headcanon? I do.

The head canons will only be about the Undertale characters.

Let's get to it, shall we?


Chara: Is both Spanish and British, which might explain why she enjoys tea so much. Oh wait, everyone loves tea. 

Frisk: Definitely not Asian. I'm Asian and seeing how Frisk has tanned skin and closed eyes really insults me. 

Sabrina: British and American

Mint: Italian

Coco: Swedish and American

Riana and Leila: Both are pure Americans

Alita: She's French. Don't make a joke about baguettes and anything racist of her culture, she'll get really mad.


Chara: 14

Frisk: 13

Asriel: 12 and a half.

Dipper and Mabel: 13

Sabrina: 13

Mint: 13

Coco: 13

Riana and Leila: 13 and 9

Alita: 13

Favorite food:

Chara: Paella

Frisk: Salad

Dipper and Mabel: Anything while Mabel enjoys junk food

Sabrina: Anything chic

Mint: Anything as long she's the one who makes it.

Coco:  Light or healthy foods

Riana and Leila: Something spicy and something mild

Alita: Anything chic or french

Favorite sweets:

Chara: Chocolate ( any chocolate , milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, colored chocolate, cadbruy, Hershey's, Goya,...)

Frisk: Licorice (not the black one)

Dipper and Mabel: Mentos and those glitter pop rocks things Mabel ate that one time

Sabrina:  Bubblegum

Mint: Fruit by the foot

Coco: Carambar 

Riana and Leila: Jolly ranchers

Alita: Peppermint


Chara: Sword and knife

Frisk: Sword

Sabrina: Whip

Mint: Spears and shield

Coco: Bow and arrow and 'webs'

Riana and Leila: Gauntlet and Gun with lasso

Alita: Fan, blasters and shuriken shaped stars


Chara: RESET, SAVE, and to destroy

Frisk: RESET and SAVE

Sabrina: Control time (cuz one time I drew her waiting beside a clock)

Mint: Healing and fire powers

Riana: Fire

Alita: Teleport and levitate

How they fell:

Chara: Suicide

Frisk: Wanted to see if monsters truly existed

Sabrina: Chased by assassins

Mint: Wanted to escape reality

Coco: His pets fell down

Riana and Leila: Leila's toys fell down

Alita: Thrown in by jealous girls


Chara: Buttercups

Sabrina: ???

Mint: Killed by Undyne

Coco: Spider venom

Riana: Suicide

Leila: Mettaton's spotlight

Alita: Infection

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