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Hermes entered the church, taking his soaked cloak off and placing it on the nearby bench. Once he got himself comfy, he turned his attention back to Hestia.

"So, where to begin?" He sat back on the bench, knowing this was probably going to take a while. Hestia didn't wait for him to start talking before throwing questions at him.

"First things first – care to tell me where on earth you've been for the past few days?"

Hermes shook his head, which ticked Hestia off. She hated it when he did that.

"Don't give me that, Asfi's been worried sick and not a single person has seen you. I ran around most of this maze of a city looking for you. So you owe me. Now talk!"

"Its not that simple, Hestia. For better or for worse I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to."

"And why not?" Hestia was not convinced. He was trying to hide the truth from her.

"I made a deal with Loki, and one of the conditions I swore was to not to speak about the details." He opened his palm to reveal a small coin one that Loki used as a sort of I.O.U.

"Wait, when did you make a deal with Loki?" Hestia thought that it was a far fetched but if Hermes knew where Loki was then that would ease a lot of tension in the city.

"The day before the attack, I was shocked to hear the news. Loki has lots of enemies, but none of them would be so brave as to attack her head-on."

Hestia nodded. 'I guess he doesn't know were she is'.

"You're taking an interest in Loki, that's unlike you Hestia. What caused the change of heart?"

Hermes spoke in his usual jokey tone but Hestia just brushed it off.

"No. But her disappearance has left a huge power gap. And with her Familia all but scattered you have to admit it's a scary time."

While she never got along with Loki, Hestia had a small amount of respect for her Familia and seeing it so easily torn apart was unsettling.

"Your not wrong Hestia, but there will be a time and place to deal with that matter."

Hestia nodded in agreement. No one knew what was going to happen and a few whispers hoped she'd return soon. Before in fighting began for her place amongst the top.

Hermes looked around the church.

"No Bell?"

Hestia realised she hadn't mentioned the current situation but how the hell was she meant to go about it?


Hestia tried to think of a good reason for Bell not being here it wasn't like she could say he was in the dungeon or doing an errand not this late and he would be back soon.

"Hermes, there's been a complication."

Hermes looked at the Goddess; something told him that this was important. But part of him couldn't help but joke.

"What, finally got sick of him and threw him out?"

While he couldn't help but joke about it, he knew he should be careful, especially with current events.

"No... I don't even know how to explain this."

Hermes just leaned forward his attention and curiosity were now listening.

"Take your time. If it's the reason you ran around the city looking for me, I can't say it's not important."

Hestia nodded, thinking that it was probably best to start from the beginning.

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