Chp. 5

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I wasn’t understanding the emotions I was getting, I knew all about Bren, but I had to seem interested in what was going on. I knew everything he made her feel, everything that they had been through, thing was, Jenson didn’t know I knew, so I had to play it off.

She was scared, I could feel that, the anxiety and the pain and bad memories flooding back into her mind. “Bren… he’s the reason I moved to a new school, got a new number… he’s crazy Riley. He stalked me, he abused me… and now I’m scared and paranoid all over again. He hasn’t made contact with me in over three weeks… I thought it was over.”

I grabbed her hand, in an attempt to comfort her, “Jenson It’ll be ok, he probably just got your number from an old friend back home… it’ll be ok.”

She drove up to her house, looking at me dead in the eye, “I’m so scared Riley…”

We got out the car and I smiled, trying to show her that as long as I was here she was safe, “Wanna explain?”

She nodded, “Let’s go inside first…”

We raced upstairs to her bedroom and I fell onto her soft bed, she joined me and I flicked on the TV. She seemed to introverted but I could get her to talk, I was smart, and I played my words easy. Making it seemed like I didn’t know, but I knew, and I knew he was dangerous.

“Bren… he’s a diagnosed Schizophrenia, when we first started dating, everything was fine. But as time went on, I noticed he was… protective. Possessive even. He wanted to control me, and eventually, he did.”

I felt my heart hurt with hers, she was depressed with him, and she had no way to escape. He threatened her, degraded her and tormented her from the inside out, sending her spiraling into her deep depression.

But that’s why I was here, that’s why I was Chosen for her, to save her. Protect her, and make sure she ended up ok.

“He threatened me, forcing me to feel as if I needed him, and I would have no one without him. And he was right. He took away my life, my freedom, my friends… but I couldn’t get out of it. That’s when I begged my parents to move, change my number, change everything except my name.”

I stared at her, feeling her emotions flood into me, this was hard. First her sister, and now this? I even knew about her biological dad… but she had yet to explain that to me.

“Jenson trust me, as long as I’m around no psycho ex-boyfriend is going to touch you… I know Kung Fu.”

This got her to giggle but I could tell there was anxiety there. I grabbed her hand, I wish I could take some of the pain away…

Then I felt my emotions intensify, and hers dimmed, as if I was… taking away her emotion. She looked up, a feeling of relief settling over her and she smiled, “Thanks Riley.”

I smiled, “No problem, now what do you want to do tonight?”

Jenson shrugged, I could tell she was still timid on the whole Bren subject but I was determined to get her mind off of it.

“Movies? Bowling? Park? Whatever you want… heck we can have a movie night here, or we can go eat out… anything, you name it.”

She pondered with it and then finally decided, “Let’s just have a movie night here, I don’t feel like going out. It’s cold as hell.”

I laughed, that was true, “Well let’s go.”

We headed to the market to pickup candy, popcorn, and soda, and then we were on our way to a RedBox to rent movies for tonight.

I was keeping notice of cars and if they were following us for to long, making notes in my head and remembering what Bren looks like. I had kept a close eye out on the market, but saw no one that looked creepy and like him so I had relaxed a bit.

We pulled up and I looked at Jenson, “Scary or funny movies?”

She shrugged, “I’m not a fan of the scary movies…”

I gave her a disapproving look and sighed, “Why…?”

She shrugged, “Never did like them…”

I looked at her for a long time, Damn she was missing out… “Fine.”

She smiled, “Yaye.”

We got out and walked up to the RedBox and looked through all the movies, getting a couple of movies and I convinced her to get a scary one. She grabbed all of the movies out of the machine and as we turned around I put my arm in front of her, putting her behind me.

He was here, and he was looking at with a smug look under his baseball cap. She smiled, “Hi Jenson, wish you would’ve texted me back.”

I stood next to him, and even though he was taller then me, and stronger then me, I had the power to crush him if I wanted with my finger. “What are you doing here Bren?”

He smirked, “Just coming rent some movies Riley, is that ok with you?”

How did this psycho know my name…? I grabbed Jenson’s hand and pulled her away from Bren, this was going to be tricky, I knew I had to keep an eye on him because I didn’t want him to follow us home. We got into the car, Jenson was terrified just in that short amount of time. I wanted her to open up to me about her life, even though she knew nothing about mine yet. I turned around and watched Bren pretend to get a movie out of the machine, and hop into his truck.

I tapped into my powers, seeing everything, which cars were going where and how we could get out of here safely and not cause a wreck.

He was two cars behind us at the Stop Sign and Jenson spoke, “Is he behind us?”

I nodded, “Yea, just focus on driving, take the long route, and pass by that old gas station.”

He continued to drive, Bren keeping a good distance behind us. I didn’t understand why he was so attached to Jenson, they had never had sex, I mean sure, they had history but it wasn’t anything major. Maybe he had problems himself, I knew about his diagnoses, but that didn’t cause someone to stalk their exgirlfriend.

We continued pass the light and we were approaching another one, and I ordered Jenson to speed. “When you get past this light speed and disappear down the curb.”

Bren was gaining on us, and I worked my magic.

I ordered the light to change sooner then Bren had planned, causing him to slam on his brakes and stop at the light. Me and Jenson continued, she rounded the corner and we were safe.

I returned to my seat and looked at Jenson, “We lost him, he caught the light.”

Jenson finally exhaled and she smiled, “How weird that he caught the light jut in time…”

I smiled, “Must’ve been luck.”







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