Chapter 30: Lee Jeno

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Jeno ran his fingers through Jaemin's sweaty hair as he held the boy against his chest. Jaemin was breathing heavily and Jeno could barely focus on the conversation going on between Renjun and the two adults in the front.

"What the hell is going on Renjun?" Ten was turned around glancing between all three of the boys, his eyes mostly choosing to rest on the boy curled into Jeno's chest. Jeno was surprised to see tears already racing down Ten's face and when he looked at Sicheng's face in the rearview mirror he saw tears glistened on his cheeks.

"I don't know Ten," Renjun was sobbing as he was trying to talk to Ten at the same time he was trying to calm himself down. "I woke up when I heard him stumbling down the hallway and then we heard him start to throw up and oh my gosh this is my fault I should have made him see the doctor."

Jeno could see his hands shaking.

Jeno reached over to pull Renjun towards himself, pressing the boy's head against his shoulder. "Renjun I need you to take some deep breaths. It's not your fault. We don't even know if it's anything serious yet okay? He could just have the stomach bug or something, okay?"

Jeno knew that wasn't true. Jaemin's words from earlier kept circling around his head and he knew that Jaemin was right, he felt it in his heart too. The way that Renjun was acting like Jaemin was dying and the fact that Ten and Sicheng were already crying was not comforting either.

"Jen," Renjun's voice said softly from his shoulder, "What did you guys mean that this had happened before?"

"What?" Ten's voice demanded from the front and Jeno looked into his surprisingly serious eyes. Jeno looked down at Renjun who was looking at him, confusion apparent on his features.

"Jaemin and I had a conversation a while ago, around Christmas time, he was hysterical and he kept insisting that we had all met before," Jeno sighed in frustration, he wasn't making any sense.

"You have a feeling that this has happened to us before, what like some repeat or something?" Ten questioned from the passenger's seat and Sicheng hit his arm.

"Babe come on that's ridiculous, that's implying like some sort of, I don't know, magic or something." Sicheng seemed to glare at Ten.

"No," Renjun mumbled and everyone's attention went to him, "I've felt that way before too. It's that kind of feeling that pushed me to tattoo our names on you when we first met." Renjun confessed and Jeno let out a noise of surprise.

"We're here," Sicheng interjected as they pulled up outside of the emergency section of the hospital. As soon as the car came to a halt Renjun pushed the door open and Jeno followed him, careful not to jostle or hurt Jaemin.

The two ran into the emergency care section and everyone's eyes immediately went to them.

Jeno realized how they looked but it wasn't the time to dwell on their messy hair, pajamas, or their puffy, red faces.

"What happened?" a trio of doctors came over, one of them dragging a stretcher along. The doctors helped Jeno to place the now unconscious boy on the stretcher as Renjun began to try and explain the situation to who looked like the head doctor.

"We woke up this morning and he was vomiting a lot, he kept dry heaving even after. A-and he's been really tired and feverish lately and he always gets these really bad headaches a-and he has a couple of fainting incidents," Renjun was trying to explain as they ran down one of the hallways.

"Okay, take a couple of deep breaths sir, he's under our care now. We're going to run several tests and make sure he's okay, okay?" The doctor stopped, grabbing a passing nurse as the two others pushed Jaemin through a set of doors. "This nurse here will show you to a waiting area."

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