Frickin Pugface

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The bootiful hooman included for this chapter is @—Lumos — ! Thank you for the story plot idea : ). Also, if y'all are a Tom Riddle fan too, expect a Tom Riddle x Reader in about a month. Thank you for the two lovely people who peer pressured me :)

Lately, Remus hasn't been showing up lately. He's been missing a lot and it's weird. I know he has a problem that my father had mention in his diary, but he never went into specific details.

One thing I've notice is that Ron has been getting closed to Morgan lately. I think Ron likes Morgan, but I don't know if she feels the same. I don't really see them together. The ship won't sail.

Classes are now over and we were all at the court yard doing our work. Ron and Morgan were chatting while Hermione and I were doing our work. Draco was beside and Harry was just being Harry.

"Hey, Morgan." Ron said.

"Yea, Ron?" Morgan said.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" she asked.

"I-I-I lik-"

"URG." Hermione said packing her stuff.

"Mione!" I said.

"Whoa. Calm down lady." Ron said.

"Ron! You bloody moron! I- URG." Hermione said and ran away.

"Hermione!" I called after. "You're an idiot, Ron."

I collected my stuff and ran after Hermione.

"Y/N, wait for me!" Draco said.

"What? What did I do?" Ron questioned.

"I don't know, man. Girls." Harry said.

"Sorry Ron, but I've got to go." Morgan said.

"Wait I-"

"Cya." Morgan said and left.

I tried looking for Hermione but I couldn't find her. This was like the first year again. That bloody Ron. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Y/N!" Draco called out.

"In a moment. I need to look for Hermione." I said running towards the girls bathroom.

Draco followed behind and when least expected, Parkinson and her friends came out of the bathroom.

"Well,well,well. If it ain't L/N." Parkinson smirked.

"If it ain't Pugface." I said back. "Move along. I have to find my friend."

"Nah. I think I'll pass." Parkinson said.

"Move it, Parkinson." Draco ordered.

"Dracy, how could you say that to me?" Pugface said hurt.

"Don't call me that. It's disgusting." Draco said.

"I'll get you back one day. Now to deal with you, L/N." Pugface sneered.

"I guess you have forgotten what I had done to you. I would gladly do it again." I said getting ready to fire the spell.

"Love, relax." Draco said to me.

"I'm so scared. Wow." Pugface and her friends laughed.

"Listen here Pugface. I need to go find my friend. Move out of the way!" I said.

"That mudblood I presume." Pugface said.

"Don't call her that!" I shouted.

"She probably left you because you scared her away."

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