48 - I Want Answers

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As the elevator reached the basement level, Sanda relaxed a little. Doors opening he stepped out but didn't get far as Gideon was not wanting to move. She could only look at him with pleading eyes.

"There's no one out her babe, let's go. Hmn?"

Gideon stepped out and was once again against him as he made it towards the car. Opening the door for her, she was inside within seconds. Gideon didn't even bother with the seat belt as she curled into a ball and was out. Sanada carefully shut the door and hurried to the driver side to get her home. Now he was worried. She was worse now than she had been at the airport in Korea. Sanada needed answers about his Prime, answers that she was now unable to give him.

Pulling out of the parking garage, he glanced over at her. Feeling the car bounce as it left the garage, she was suddenly up and awake, looking around frantically.

"Hey, hey, your okay babe. You're in the car."

Gideon looked over at him, tears once again in her eyes. "I'm so sorry I'm like this...I don't know what's wrong with me." Gideon moved over to him and rested her head on his shoulder as he drove.

"I'll get you home then you can rest."


Gideon was pretty much silent the entire way home, an occasional sniffle leaving her, was the only sound she made. Sanada managed to drive safely with her resting on him. If that's what she needed to do to feel safe then so be it. Pulling into the apartment parking garage, she finally set up. Gideon wanted out of the car.

Pulling into his spot, Gideon was out of the car before he could put it in park. She was waiting for him right outside his door. She gave him a weak smile. Sanada needed to get her to bed.

The two finally made it to the apartment, Gideon was quickly shutting down, she no longer had a choice. Sanada let her go as she made a beeline for the bedroom. He sat his stuff down and went to the bedroom to check on her. She was already in the bed, clothes scattered all over the floor. He gently sat next to her on the bed and she was instantly in his arms, sobbing.

"Okay baby, I got you Gi.."

Gideon just sobbed away, finally home and safe, she released all the emotions she had been fighting to contain. Rubbing her back, he felt how stiff and tense she was. After about thirty minutes, she finally started to calm back down. She continued to rest against him, sniffling as the tears subsided. Her scent was slowly returning. Pulling away from the Alpha, Gideon sat up and looked around the room. Returning her gaze to her Mate, she smiled.

"Thank you Toru."

"How are you doing Gi?"

"I'm so exhausted, will you get me your hoody?"

"Yeah hold on." Sanada went back to the front and grabbed it out of her bag. Returning, she quickly put it on and laid down. He covered her with the blanket but only up to her waist, he didn't want her to get too hot.

"You get some rest babe. I have a few things to do then I'll come back and sit with you, okay?"

A response from her was not going to happen. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out again. Sanada sighed in frustration and relief. Now he wanted to get some desperately needed answers. Walking back to the living room area, he grabbed both of their phones and his laptop. He also stopped by the fridge and grabbed them each a gatorade and her a meal shake for when she woke up. He did not want her to leave the bed, other than to use the bathroom and this time he would be firm about it.

Settling in next to her, Sanada needed to talk to her dad. It was not a call he was looking forward to making but there were more important things to worry about now. It was only 2 in the afternoon, so there was a chance that he would be busy.

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