~Stolen Quirks and Dino Nuggies~

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"Get comfy, it may be awhile before you even see sunlight."

It feels like a day or two has passed and Shigaraki was right. The room I'm being held in has no windows and only one door.

A while ago, I attempted bending the metal handcuffs bound around my wrists, but to no avail. It seems like it's made of some kind of Quirk blocking metal or something, so even if I wanted to I can't bend anything.

Toga often came in to give me meals, a children's granola bar and a bottle of water, but since they won't unbind my hands, either she feeds me or I'd struggle.

Getting fed by Toga isn't as great as it sounds. Normally she would just shove all the food in my mouth, wait a few moments, then do the same with the water bottle.

Plus it seems the headbutt I gave her left an impression, so now she doesn't want to get too close to me.

Before I know it, I'm being dragged out of the room by my cuffs.

"Move your feet, it's time to go." I recognize the raspy voice as Shigaraki.

My feet stumble to get ground as I continue getting pulled in the direction of a van.

Spinner sits in the front, ready to drive to the destination.

"Where are we going?" I ask carefully.

Shigaraki rolls his eyes. Bro, chill. It was just a question. "Somewhere. Dabi?"

Dabi nods and puts a bag over my head. It's made of a breathable fabric, so I can still take in oxygen.

I squint my eyes in the dark bag. Around me I feel people moving and I hear footsteps against the floor.

There's a short moment where nothing happens before the engine starts up and we seize forward.

"So... how's your day been?" My voice rings out in the quiet van.

"Can you be quiet?" Shigaraki growls from near the front.

Someone giggles. "Aw, she's so cute~!"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, she's cute until she headbutts you again." Dabi humors.

Toga lets out a loud 'hmph' and becomes quiet.

"Guess no one wants to talk about their day. That's fine, I'll tell you about mine. So... I stared at a wall. And then... I stared at the wall some more. Then... an ant moved across the wall! But then I realized it was just a dust speck and that I'm truly alone in this world. Then-"

"God, can someone please shut her up?!" Shigaraki hisses.

The bag is removed from my head briefly and I'm met with striking blue eyes. "Sorry, kid."

He moves to put duct tape on my mouth but I snarl. "Don't call me that."

"Kid? Jeez, fine." He mutters and smooths the tape over my mouth.

The bag is placed back on my head and the rest of the ride goes by in silence.

To be blunt, this is terrifying. I assume they're taking me to All for One to get my Quirk taken away. Talking and ranting was a good way to distract me from that, but now that I don't have that I'm not sure what to do.

I fidget nervously in the silence until the sound of a door opening and the stopped engine alerts me that we're here. Or we've stopped at a McDonalds. You never really know I guess.

"Get the brat." Shigaraki says and I feel my body being pulled up before I'm thrown out of the van.

"Oof." My voice comes out muffled due to the duct tape.

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