~Adoptions and First Names~

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"Well... how do you feel about adoption?"

I tilt my head as my eyes widen. Was he talking about what I think he is? Is it because of what I said this morning? "Um... adoption..?"

He nods quietly. "It's up to you, and we would need to complete a lot of paperwork as well as go through something of an usual process due to your situation, but... I-" Aizawa looks to the side and sighs, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "I would love to have you as my legal family."

I move my hands to my mouth to hide my uncontrollable smile. "I... yes."

He moves to look at me. "Yes..?"

I nod excitedly and run to hug him. "Yes! I... I want to be your adopted daughter."

He hugs me closer and smiles. "Thank goodness. That was terrifying."

I laugh and we stay there for a few minutes before we both decide we need a good night's rest.

After sleeping well for the first time in what felt like a while, I make my way to the kitchen to see my father-to-be and to grab something to eat. Once he sees me, he explains that for most of the day he'll be trying to figure out how to officially adopt me.

"Alright, kid. You should pack. Everyone's moving into the dorms soon. If you need to buy anything, I'll be busy with paperwork, schoolwork, and hero work, but Nemuri would be ecstatic to go shopping with you again." Eraserhead explains.

I nod quietly and begin thinking to myself. "Hm... I'll let her know and she can come pick me up once I sort through my room." My eyes wander around the house and a soft smile glides onto my lips. "I can't believe I'm moving out of here."

Aizawa responds quickly, his dark eyes glued to the work he's doing. "You can still visit; however, if you don't feel comfortable with moving, I can talk to Nezu and figure out some sort of arrangement."

I shake my head quickly. "No, I really want to live with everyone too. I think... I think I'm just processing." I flash him a smile and head to my room to shove my belongings into the cardboard boxes I found in the basement earlier.

A few hours go by of me blasting some music from my phone while cleaning and sorting things until I realize I need a few things from the stores.

I pull out my phone and quickly send a text to "My Favorite Bad Role Model".

She responds quickly with a simple 'K' and soon I hear her car arrive next to the house.

I slip on some shoes and run out to greet her. She hugs me enthusiastically before pulling me into her car.

To a simple bystander, it just may have looked like a kidnapping, but to me I was reunited with my favorite shopping partner.

As soon as she starts driving, Midnight begins firing off questions at me. They end up blurring together, so I have no idea what she's really saying.

"Hey, hey!! Please, ask me one thing at a time." I chuckle. "I can't hear a word you're saying."

She nods and calms herself down to ask me proper questions. "Okay... first things first. Are you okay? I haven't been able to ask you that other than over the phone and recently I've been busy talking with other Pros about how to handle All For One. It's a lot to take in and you were in a seriously traumatic event. Everyone would understand if you want to see professional help."

Her eyes glance between me and the road.

I nod and smile at her reassuringly. "I know. Honestly? It's been a lot, but I've been managing. I'm doing okay." Images of the night terrors that have been clouding my dreams for the last few days fill my head, and for some reason I feel like I can open up to Nemuri. "There... have been some nightmares, but they went away last night, so that's a good sign!"

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