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Today is the first day of class, and guess what; I woke up extremely late. Weird, because I'm usually up early. Now I'm on the cab, as I'd missed my school bus.

My heart is pounding heavily, even though I'm used to this kind of situation. There's something unusual around me, like the feeling déjà vu. I feel that I've already seen what was coming for this day. Howbeit, I don't remember any single detail; it's just... everything seems familiar.

I paid the cab driver, and run as fast as possible. The school is tidy and still sophisticated, but it's really strange to find cars inside the school ground when we have gigantic lots outside. I shrugged the thought away, and proceeded to the school's lobby; I need my identification card, as well as my schedule. First day — hell day.

My heart was profoundly screaming something, it's beyond understandable. Clouds rotate above my head, dizzy with a hint of confusion. Am I going crazy, or am I just starving since I didn't ate anything for breakfast?

I pulled one of the glass door, and my heart dropped when I saw Xin Liu. Even if she's on her back, my guts are telling me that it's Xin. I tried to shake off my head, and twinkle my eyes continuously; this must be a dream, it has to be a dream!

I felt like I was going to have seizures when...

"Ms. Rivas!" The receptionist called.

Every single one inside the lobby has turned their heads to see me, including Xin. The moment our eyes met, my knees got so weak that I'd fainted to the ground.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

I woke up inside the clinic, lying on the bed as If I was in a hospital ward or something. It was eerily quiet, so I stood up and made my way to the nurse's office. There; I found the school's receptionist, Ms. Hetherway. She's on her 40s: My step dad's older sister, which resulted as my aunt. We interact professionally, school ground; rules is rules.

"Have you eaten anything before hand?" Ms. Hetherway asked.

Shit, they've certainly found out that I skipped the most important meal of the day. Well it's better than being absent, right?

I was about to leave the clinic when the thought of Liu Yuxin came to mind. "Uhmm is there any chance that the chinese girl a while ago... was Liu Yuxin?" Please don't be Xin, please.

If it's Xin, my life would be a complete mess!

"I think so? I have already forgotten her name but she was indeed from China." Ms. Hetherway answered.

I bowed gently, and left the clinic.

Xin Liu? What are the odds?
I can't be wrong, I saw her. As I pass by the lobby, my folder and I. D are on the center table. I gazed at the sofa where Xin was sitting a while ago, was it really her?
The chances are low, but nothing's impossible.

It might be her, but YWY is still on going, right?
Sorry, I'm not that updated.

Maybe it's just her look-alike? Same face features and same sense of fashion; most Asians have almost identical faces, right?

I sighed heavily as I trudge my way out of the lobby. The buildings were obviously remodeled, new shade of paint and modish furnitures. I'm walking the hallway; still caught up that Xin might be here.

I don't know what exactly happened, but I suddenly bump into someone. "Hey can you watch where you're go-" My pupils dilated in shock, as I register the moments.

It's Xin...

"Sorry," her angelic voice was a lullaby to my ears. I can't be wrong, it's the identical voice from the interviews, etc.

I don't know how to react. I'm basically speechless, frozen on the solid ground. "Sorry," she leaned forward.

For a moment, everything turned slow-mo as she smiles, heavenly. "I gotta go," she walked past my spot along with two other Chinese men, it's clearly her bodyguards from the look of their muscles.

I was left in the middle of the hall, confused. It's all unbelievable!

Is this a dream? I pinched myself once, and it hurt like an ant bite. I pinched myself for the second time, and indeed... all of this isn't a dream.

Liu Yuxin is here... She'll be my schoolmate.

I brought out my phone without second thoughts, and dial Alexa's number.

"Why did you call Snow?" Alexa asked.

"Xin Liu is here, you might not believe me, but Xin is really here!"

"Hmm you're kidding, right?" She uttered hesitantly.

"I wish!"

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now