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"I have three consecutive meetings this evening so I won't be home until 9." Alexa reminded me.

We're both eating lunch at the school's cafeteria to fulfill our breaktime. Alexa was looking hella exhausted from all her whereabouts.

The cafeteria was busy from all the students demanding orders of their food. I got mine for about 10 minutes ago: I have some veggie sandwich and an orange juice. On the other hand, Alexa was eating biscuits and a couple of chips. She's currently reading a pile of papers which I assumed — are about 'The new law' of our school.

After I had eaten my lunch; I bid Alexa my farewell and headed to my next room. Biology 10...

Dang, I'll see Liu Yuxin.

Half of me was ecstatically excited while the other half was anxious.

The day I met Xin was the day I started to be concern about my appearance. Even the slightest frizz on my hair bothers me like a psycho. I began to do skin routines to help me with my acne outbreaks. Outfits are a must too as she just resided across my apartment. Liu Yuxin was a huge life turner, she'd influenced me with things that I didn't even notice before.

I stopped by the comfort room to check myself. I'm guilty of wearing light make up when in fact I don't really use products for my face. Every single day before was a bare-face-day. I took a deep breath and smile at my reflection. Why do I feel like this?

Why do I feel the urge to make myself attractive for Xin?

I proceeded to my room and as usual, it wasn't that full, but it was half empty. It's in between 10-20 students. I'd instantly notice Xin when I made my way to my chosen seat.

I was located at the center front while Xin was at the left back of the room. I could see that she's wearing the uniform already and it suits her. She looks like a royal prince: Xin chose to wear trousers instead of mini skirts and she'd slain it.

I could feel someone staring at me, and my mind really wants it to be Xin. I turned around and found no one. Every students at my back including Xin was busy with their own little businesses. I guess I was wrong then. 

Minutes had passed by when the professor finally came. The usual boring biology classes went by so quickly. I didn't even get any knowledge from the lectures. My mind was wandering somewhere else.

I still have Xin's coat; it's in my closet!

"Snow Rivas," her perfume still lingers in my room. Can I turn back time and be with her again? "Rivas," how could someone be gorgeous and handsome at the same time. If only I was beau --- "SNOW RIVAS!" The professor yelled. I quickly stood up to my feet: eyes widened, hands trembling and my heart rate skyrocketed like a supersonic jet.

"Have you been daydreaming?" The professor asked rudely, which made almost everyone in the class break into laughter. I chose not to respond as my cheeks blushed into a rosy kind of embarrassment.

"Since you've been so caught up with your dreams, kindly give 5 branches of Biology." Shit. My mind started to collapse, as I think for answers.

"Uhmmm..." Can the floor just swallow me?

"You're not as good as your past teachers told me so ~" He said.

I can feel my tears have swelled up underneath my eyes, and a frown formed swiftly on my face. I was embarrassed and I want to hide myself from everyone. Xin being here... inside the class — is an additional burden.

"Keep standing... unless someone helps you; which I bet no one would." The professor uttered. My body was in full rage, and I could slam his head on the center table.

"Why are you so rude?" I whispered. The professor just walk past me and stood at the back.

"Anyone who wants to help her?" He called out. No one raises their hand, no one knew me... except for Xin. Minutes gone by so fleetingly and I'm losing all my hopes. I can safely say that; I hate biology now!

"I told you no one would...", "Sir?" Xin raises her hand which made our professor stop with his speech of defamation.

"Yes Ms. Liu?" He asked.

"I would like to help Ms. Rivas." Xin politely answered. Every single one was surprised for her actions; even me.

"Hmm okay if you wanted to help, give the 10 branches of biology." How cruel!

The room was put into a quiet state and the three of us were still standing: The professor, Xin and I; could she somehow answer all of it, and why did she bother to help me?

"Take your seat Snow, I can handle this." Xin gave me a serious gaze. I quickly obeyed and stared at the scene that I've caused.

"Physiology, Anatomy, Cytology, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Paleontology and Taxonomy." The professor was obviously amazed by Xin. Everyone was, including me. I'm undeniably proud yet I'm still ashamed as I wasn't able to answer for myself.

"Impressive, how did you know all of this? - I haven't disscuss the branches of biology or did I?" The professor asked.

"You haven't discussed it yet." Xin replied swiftly. She took her seat quietly and the mumbles of the room began. I could overhear the girls at the back, murmuring to themselves; how attractive Xin was; a hint of jealousy splintered my heart.

After the class ended, I decided to approach her.

"Hey uhmm, thanks for saving me a while ago." I muttered; full of embarrassment.

"No worries," she replied. 

"How can I pay you back?" I asked.

"Hmmmmm..." Xin hummed.

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now