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"Who's Gia?", My bladder became stable and I no longer feel that I have to pee. Marco stood still in front of me, she looks worried and anxious; she's definitely hiding something. I could tell from the movements of her eyes and the paranoia of her state.

"Look Snow, I can explain.", she said.

"Then explain"

"I---I cheated on you, I mean I lied. I'm sorry.", my chest tightened; the moment I heard the following phrases. I---I feel so disappointed.

"Why?", the only word I could manage to say before I left the comfort room.

Was this all a set up, Am I on a bet or something? — I never had thoughts of being played by Marco. I trusted her, I even ditched Liu Yuxin for her; Marco's happiness is all I could ever think of... I abandoned my love for her; in hopes that I've repaid her well.

"Snow!", Marco yelled; chasing me down the hallway.

"Please Lin Fan, enough! Enough!", we drew, almost everybody's attention on us. I past by civilians on wheelchairs, elders on medications and a few kiddies on bed. I ran and ran, till I reached the door of the open space in the hospital.

My tears fell as I moved forward; oblivious of the world underneath. I don't know what to say; Even the smallest lie can break the biggest trust. Everything seems questionable: from Lin Fan to Keran to Esther, down to Liu Yuxin. Am I on a drama or something? — Am I being secretly filmed?

I wiped my tears with the use of my shirt. "Snow, please just let me explain.", Marco shouted. "Keran and I, made you into a game. If I get your heart then I win. Snow! – I won."

"You didn't!", I was afraid to face her as I was too intoxicated by the view; I'm also gathering all my courage against her.

"I'm sorry!", I finally turned to face her and blew my bomb.

"You didn't know what I sacrificed for you! I don't love you, I don't even have feelings for you! — How long has this been going on?!", Marco sipped her mouth into silence shut. "I love Liu Yuxin, I love her yet I chose you; I chose you because I don't want to hurt you!", I was in the verge of mental breakdown and mind exhaustion. I'm doubting all of them; I badly want to reset this chapter of my life. "You know, I'm not really upset that you lied to me. I'm upset that from now on, I can't believe; I wouldn't believe all of you anymore.", I walk past her and made my way to the fire exit. "Oh and one more thing, go back to China. That's where all of you belong.", I might sound kinda racist but I just can't control myself anymore. If they didn't hurt me, I wouldn't say such a thing.

I reached the ground level by stairs. "Hey Miss, where are you going?", one of the guards by the parking lot approached me. The fire exit leads to the back of the building, a couple of meters away from the parking lot. "Miss!", the man yanked my shirt from behind.

"I'm not a patient!", I wiggled my body and lose his grip. I ran towards the free highway to get a cab, ugh I have no cash, I forgot my cards.

I stood by the side of the highway, hoping for a cab. After of what seems like an hour, under the sun – I finally found an empty one.

I don't know who to believe anymore – what if this was all just a set up? – I can't bear the idea of having to hurt myself, and save others. This is what fate led me, I should've just avoided all of them from the very start. If all of this was just a trap, I ridiculously fell for it.

It made sense now; that's why Marco knew all of my information but... who would tell her.

My Address, well that's easy to know since I lived across Liu Yuxin's house.


My number, it could be Alexa but it could also be Liu Yuxin; they both have my number.


My schedule, for goodness sake; the school kept all private informations. It could be Alexa or Liu Yuxin again.


The point of all coincidences met through Liu Yuxin, what does she have to do with all of this shits? – I---I don't know what to do anymore.

I want to confront them all but I'm such a coward for it. I'm afraid of all the misleading accusations if ever I fight for myself — I'm just a nobody compared to them; they have overacting fandoms and I only have myself. Am I going to win on this battle of unfair status in life?

"Where would I drop you Miss?", the driver called.

I pointed at my apartment and gave him a smile. I figured out that I would just get my purse inside and pay him after. The car stopped, parallel to my window door.

I was about to exit the car when the doors had suddenly locked. "Where's your payment?", the driver queried as he watched me by the rear view mirror.

"I-I'm going to get my purse inside, promise I'll be back.", I muttered, trying to open the door quietly.

"I've heard that before, if you're not going to pay me. Then atleast compromise.", he winked.

The driver is a middle aged man, white guy. He seems nice but the way he said the last sentence was... ew.

"I'm just going to get my purse.", I said with full force. I kept on trying to open the door but it was useless; it's shut to lock.

He started the engine of the car and was about to accelerate, but a knock on his window stopped him from doing so...

I leaned my head to see who it was, and it's Lin Fan. For goodness hell! The driver opened his window and an irritated look was shown on his features.

"I'll pay for the girl", Marco pouted towards my direction.

"Who are you?", The driver said in a disrespectful way.

"I'm... I am her friend, now drop her cause I'll pay for the ride.", I don't know why, but I felt so relieved when she called me her friend. The doors have been unlocked and I made my way out. Marco ended the business with the driver and I waited for her; just an act of gratitude.

Who knows what would've happened, if Marco didn't came to rescue me.

As soon as the cab disappeared — Marco approached me with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry", she whispered. "I'm really sorry, I'll do anything; just forgive me.", I know I'm not a bad person so I will, in fact; a burden was removed in my life. I can now breath throughly, without having to think about her. Marco's confession is a blessing in disguise, but; I would still have to know about this shit and I'll be more careful now.

"I'll forgive you on one condition.", I crossed my arms.


"Actually two", I chuckled as I brought my two fingers up.

"What is it?", she asked worriedly.

"By any chance hmmm, does Liu Yuxin have any involvement on this entire damn bullshit?", I wanna know.


Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now