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Once again, the thunder had trembled the ground and I'd instantly hid behind Liu Yuxin; grasping the back of her bag.

"Snow, please stop.", she grunted irritably.

The dark clouds had enveloped the sky and the shiny sun had disappeared. Everything was dimmed and the muffle of vague sounds from my surroundings have creeped me out more.

"Can you call Lin Fan?", Xin asked as she was standing still and I'm basically behind her; I pulled out my phone from my pocket and it was freaking low battery, it would turn off in...

"3, 2 and 1", I whispered.

"Why are you counting?", she tried turning around so she could face me but I was holding her firmly that had prevented her from doing so – I showed her my phone. "Garbage", she blew the front part of her hair by the use of her mouth as she mocked how trash my mobile phone is –

"I just forgot to charge my phone but it's not garbage.", I mumbled. "Oh where's your phone Ms. Great-Boastful-Human-Being, why don't you call your best friend instead!", I said as I made silly faces behind her back.

She reach for her pocket but it's obviously not there; her pocket was empty from my sight; and the only thing she pulled out was a wrapper of a gum, candy or something.

"Pfft – I could tell that you don't really wash your uniform that often.", I snorted out a small laugh.

"Nonsense Snow, here's a dollar.", she handed me a dollar bill.

"What is this for?", I asked as I poked my head out of her side; still holding the back of her bag.

"Go buy someone you can talk to!", she writhed her body and my hands slipped from her bag. I tried to catch her but she walked straight, leaving me behind.

I wander my sight around; one last time before I heard a loud roar of thunder.

"LIU YUUUUUUXIN!", I screamed and went running after her.

We stopped exactly in front of our classroom. The sky is even more darker than before, it seems like a hurricane will hit the ground and we'll both be in doom.

Xin proceeded to rummage on her bag; eager for the search of her mobile phone. "I can't find it.", she grunted as she aggresively took out her belongings. "I give up!", she threw her hand in the air and leaned back on the wall.

"The classes were probably suspended by now.", I muttered. I sat down on the floor, probably a meter away from Xin. "Your Esther might be so worried for you now.", I said; watching the uncontrollable fall of raindrops.

"And your Marco might be looking for you too."

"You lied", I can't help but to feel the sudden rage towards her again – all of the memories came rushing back to my mind.

"I didn't", she whispered.

"You did"

"I knew you had Marco, I just granted Esther's last wish.", I tilted my head as I leaned my back comfortably.

"I don't have Marco."

"I saw the both of you on the park. You don't need to hide from me; everything was obvious Snow."

"The park?", I furrowed my eyebrows; trying to recall the events that had happened in the past.

"Yeah, you're holding each other's hand back then.", oh.

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now