28 - Flashback

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Liu Yuxin have been out and loud about a girl named Snow, I'm a little bit curious though. She'd never been this way before, not even with Esther.

Xin is one of my best friends, actually we're trio. Lu Keran, Liu Yuxin and me, Lin Fan; labeled as the Triple L. I never expected that I'd have a close bond with Xin, she's cool and like an introvert type of person. The real Xin had bloomed by the middle of the show and we had clicked right away.

I had to follow her so I did, I just want to give her some company. It's good that she chose US rather than some other country, Keran and I were great english speakers so the language barrier wouldn't be a problem. I decided to be with her since she was emotionally down. The break up had brought her pain and I knew she needs my comfort. US have been her escape plan, she told me everything: about the settlements, Esther bla bla bla.

She badly wants to forget every single thing about China, though she can't as it was our homeland.

// The following scripts are translated via google translator. //

(Got some foods there?), I uttered.

"Hey, no Mandarins!", Xin glared at me; even our own language was a big no-no for her.

"Does Mandarin reminds you of Esther?", I sarcastically asked and that'd provoked her to throw a pillow at my precious face. I caught the pillow with my hand and threw it back at her.

And by that actions, the pillow war had begun.

Xin climbed up to the bed and had tossed a gigantic pillow at my head. As a comeback, I held a pillow and started to hit her continuously. Xin had used a blanket as her defensive shield; I was enjoying the moment when she suddenly took a bow and I'd hit the chandelier, accidentally. Xin came out from the blanket and we both have our eyes dilated from the shock. The glasses were everywhere and the chandelier had broken into little micro pieces that'll definitely cause harm.

(Sorry), I whispered.

"No Mandarins!", Xin exclaimed.

I broke into laughter as I saw how she raised her pointy finger and wiggled it sideways. She withdrew her finger, the moment she'd realize how childish she may have looked.

"Aye Marco, stop with the Mandarins.", Xin complained.


"I want yoghurts."

"But the sun had set already, maybe tomorrow?", I asked.

"It's okay, I'll drive."

The plan had been settled, Xin drove the car till we reach the grocery mall. I told Xin, probably a million times; that we could just buy some yoghurts in a convenience store or something.

"You wasted gas, we could just buy at a mini store or a convenience one.", I rolled my eyes. We're both walking the pavement towards the mall.

"It's not your money, stop with the nonsense Marco.", oh right.

"But still!", I protested.

The store was half empty when we'd arrived. I could easily count the number of people as they walk with their baskets and carts. Xin and I went directly to where the dairy products are being kept.

"It's cold here. You should've brought me a jacket.", I complained as I kept on pressing my body on Xin's back.

"Hey stop Marco, you're embarrassing me!", she complained back. "So what are we going to buy?"

"Yoghurts?", I mumbled.

"I mean what flavor?", Xin stomped her right foot in exasperation. I can see how irritated she was and I'm loving it.

(Anything that is edible and tasty.), I spoke in Mandarin just to teased her more.

"Speak english, I'm trying to improve my skills.", Xin said.

"Bla bla bla bla bla bla english english english.", I giggled.

I was about to grab a yoghurt when I heard a loud thump on the floor. I turned to my side as it was the direction of the sound. There, I found a girl. She'd obviously dropped one of her yoghurts. I glanced at Xin, just to see if she was going to help. howbeit, she's motionless – like she'd seen a ghost.

I took the yoghurt from the floor with no second thoughts; I was raise as a gentlewoman. (winks)

"Is this yours Miss, sorry my english is bad.", the girl faced me and she's beautiful. She took the yoghurt from my hand and stared at me for a while. I don't know why I said the following but I never had the confidence to speak in another language even if I was good.

"It's fine, thank you so much.", she said. The girl somehow look flattered, sparkling doll-like eyes.

As soon as the girl was out of eyeshot, Xin approached me. "That was Snow!", oh.

"She looks great.", The girl or rather 'Snow' have Asian features but I could tell that she was an American from her accent.

"Yeah, beautiful right?", I gazed at Xin and she was undeniably lost in her thoughts. I softly tapped her shoulder to wake her up from her dreams.

"Let's go home", I said.

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now