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I woke up; feeling sick and all nauseous. Alexa is nowhere to be found so I assumed that she left already. Before I could even stand up; the thought of Xin came to mind.

We're separated last night: Marco drove me home with Alexa while Keran and Esther went into the hospital for Xin. There are no updates and Esther kept on blaming me for Xin's condition. I didn't gave my response as I was fully aware that it was all my fault. If I didn't brought Yuxin into the rain, we could've been saved easily — I feel so devastated. I messed everything up!

I proceeded to the bathroom and took a warm bath. I don't wanna go to school today – I'm not feeling well and I badly want to visit Xin.

After my long bath, I ate my breakfast and moved to the living room.

I really want to visit Liu Yuxin, I want to check her current condition. No one's updating me – well, I wouldn't expect anyone to do so – after all, I'm not Liu Yuxin's girlfriend. I decided to message Marco so I could visit on the hospital — I'm still not sure if Esther would allow me though.

• Hi, I was just thinking... if I could visit Xin?

I waited... and waited... and waited, till I got her reply. It took about four to five minutes – I was so desperate. I really want to see Xin – or at least apologize.

• Okay, l'll fetch you. I have something to tell you Snow. Please hurry up while Esther is not here.

• uhmm is everything alright? what r u gonna tell me? is this about Xin?

I feel so paranoid, what if she's unstable? – what if she's really sick from the storm yesterday? – I hope she's fine. I won't ever forgive myself, if anything happens to her.

• she's fine, but I really have something to tell you.

• what is it?

She didn't reply so I guess that she was on her way. I don't really like the feeling of being thrilled, like what is the issue? – what would be the new drama?

I locked the apartment and sat on the bench in front of my lawn. There are so much memories in this wooden bench; from the first time I knew that Xin would be my neighbor, down to the time when Marco and I; made our relationship official. Why does time fly so fast? – and uhhh, Liu Yuxin was actually my first kiss. Funny, how a girl stole my first kiss. I never expected this — though it feels great.

"Snow!", I came back to my senses when I heard Marco's voice. I gave her a smile as I walked my way towards her car. 

"So, what are you gonna tell me.", I hopped inside and made myself comfy on the passenger seat.

"Later", she answered coldly.

I brushed the thought away and sat silently. I'm actually planning to resume my relationship with her; it's for the best. I don't want to intrigued myself into Esther and Xin's lives – I also don't want to hurt Marco.

We arrived at the hospital; the whole ride was a deafening silence. I noticed that Marco looks kinda bothered, like she was in deep thoughts – stress and anxiety showed up on her charming face.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"Yeah", she locked the car and we both made our way to the entrance. "You have an hour before Esther Yu arrives."

I gave her a lovingly smile before we entered the hospital. It felt odd; being in a hospital sucks. It felt like sad movies without popcorn. Geez, I look more like a patient in my outfit. I'm wearing a loose shirt paired with my favorite pajama and for goodness sake; I'm on my slippers! I didn't had the time to prepare. I just wanted to see Liu Yuxin and apologize.

We took the elevator and in a minute; we finally reached her room. My heart was pounding heavily and I feel like I can't breathe from the excitement. I remembered the kiss and it had cast up to my abnormal heart rate. How can I face her? – shocks, should I just stay outside? – at least I visited, right?

I was startled when Marco's mobile phone suddenly rang. "Sorry", I chuckled; even the slightest thing scares me to this day.

"You can go inside, I'll just answer this.", with that being said. Marco left me in front of Yuxin's room.

I twisted the knob and before I could get in, I heard Liu Yuxin... "What are you doing here Snow?", she asked. I was taken aback by the sudden greeting that I literally went out and slammed the door shut.

She's angelic, like wtf – I was expecting to see her fast asleep, dang. It ruined my plans!

"Hey", the door opened and it reveal Liu Yuxin in a hospital gown – she definitely wore pajamas underneath. "Aren't you going inside?", she teased as I felt my cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"Go back to your bed.", I ordered; trying my best not to stumble on my words.

"Okay Ma'am", she raised her hand in a soldier salute and made her way towards the bed.

I went inside, still speechless and immobile.

"So why did you visit? — I thought we'll go part ways?", Xin asked; straightforwardly. Ugh part ways – she'd let me go.

"Yeah but I-I was just gonna apologize. Sorry for yesterday, if I didn't ran into the rain; you wouldn't be here.", I bowed my head in full regrets.

"It's not your fault Snow.", Xin laughed. "And it's not that serious!", she added.

"I'm sorry"

"It's just hypothermia, if I didn't turned on the a.c; I wouldn't be here.", she explained.

"But I'm still sorry"

"For what?"

"For bringing you a profound pain.", I spoke softly as I gaze into her eyes.

"Apology accepted, now call Marco outside so we can have some snacks.", I obeyed and left the room.

The hallway is empty and I can't find Marco. I tried to call her but the line was busy. I shouted for her name and even ask some of the passing nurses; but she's nowhere to be found. I was about to give up and go back to Xin's room when I felt the urge to pee. I made my way into the comfort room, but before I could even get inside; I heard Marco's voice.

"Yes Gia, I'm sorry. I'll fix this, promise.", Gia?

The rush of enraged cells came running up to my head. I could feel my heart tightened as I listen to their conversation.

"Wo Ai Ni Gia.", Marco said.

What's wow i knee?

Why does she still talk to her ex? — or was it?

I went inside the comfort room and Marco was obviously caught off-guarded. She quickly ended the call and kept her phone.

"Look, I can explain."

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now