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The blessing of all glory had been given upon me when my Mom had called. It interrupted the strained scenario between me and Marco. It's like all my prayers have been secretly answered, I've never felt so relief in my entire life.

"Mom?... why did you called?", I mumbled.

"Just checking on you darling.", she replied, I can hear my father's voice from the background static. What are they up to?

"You won't call if you don't need anything. I know you so much Mom, you can't fool me.", it's the truth. I knew how my Mom would only pay me a visit or call me for her own leverage. After all, they're busy with their own lives that they had forgotten their only daughter.

"Okay Snow, we're planning to move on Tokyo by next week.", oh great. "If you want to visit us, just call your dad okay. Be good at school!", and by that being said; the call had dropped. No sweet I love yous or even some take care phrases. That was my not-so-stereotypical way of having my family.

Though I'm still glad that the call had occupied a spare of my time.

"I--- wanna uhmm go home.", it would also be the best scape goat; the news had brought me a pint of pain, so it's kind of legitimate.

"Too early but fine... I'll escort you.", Marco said as she stood up and left the table. I followed behind her as we passed by people, happily eating their pastries.

Marco opened the door of the car for me, a gentlewoman as always. I tried my best to be comfy but it was useless; the ambiance of the car gives me uneasy vibes.

I was watching how fast we drove by buildings when the car radio had suddenly turned on. I guess Marco wanted some music company to atleast brighten the mood, nice idea.

'I looked in my rear view mirror and' , that's familiar. I heard it from somewhere before; not quite sure when and where I'd heard this though.
'It seemed to make a lot more sense
Than what I see ahead of us,
Ahead of us, yeah.
Uh I'm ready to make that turn
Before we both crash and burn
'Cause that could be the death of us,
The death of us,', My heart started to pound as if it was beating to devour on the song.

My mind was still in the hunt on how I became familiar with this track but I feel like my heart was fully aware of it. I had this flaming emotion about the song itself, it kinda reminds me of someone.

'Baby you know how to drive in rain
And You decided not to make a change
Stuck in the same old lane
Going the wrong way home'

It reminds me of Liu Yuxin, damn.

For days or — for even weeks, my feelings had been so intolerable. It's like the battle between my mind and my heart. I'm genuinely trying to make sense of this war inside my head; Im trying my best to figure out every single thing and was hoping that it could fall to their places. Right now, I'm just stuck; somewhere between who my heart wants and in denials.

'I feel like my heart is stuck in bumper to bumper'

Geez, now I get it, now I know why this song means so much to me!

It was the same song that had been played the night we had our midnight trip; The night that she gave innuendos and I ridiculously fell for it. Huh, Snow, pathetic. Am I in love?

Am I?

'Traffic, I'm under pressure 'cause I can't have you
The way that I want'

Funny how this damn song could read how I feel.


Please tell me that I'm not inlove!

"I love this song. It's actually the only foreign song I know.", Marco said. "Xin's playlist is dang good, glad I had one.", she added as she smiled to herself, enjoying the beats and melodies.

I didn't respond as I, myself was also enjoying the vibe. The song had brought me back to the time where I was all happy; in particular ecstasy. No worries, more excitements. Those moments were just memories now, I was glad it happened; felt so wretched that it had ended.

Beyond everything, Esther and Xin had came back as a couple. I'm happy for them; I know everything about them would work so well. Celebrity plus celebrity is a rise of a new stardom, right?

Plus, who the hell am I to compete with Esther Yu?

wait, why am I thinking like this?


Why do I keep acting like I was hella enamored for Xin?

Just to be clear, I'm not! okay!

I'm probably just dazed and confused.

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now