Chapter One- Shards Of Glass

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Sivana's Pov

I chewed loudly and that was one of the many benefits of living alone. There was no one to instruct me on how to chew while watching my favorite series and there was absolutely no one questioning my cinematic taste.

What can I say, I was a loud cruncher and my ex boyfriend didn't appreciate it very much whenever we chose to have movie nights at his place. To be honest he was never pleased with anything I did or did not do. The sick thing was, in my eyes he was God's gift to me.

I placed another handful of popcorn to my mouth, my eyes burning due to the persistent use of the television. Sure, I had been at peace but there was a part of me that felt empty.

There was no one to tell me how much I was hogging the sofa and snacks right now. I missed that feeling because as annoying as that was it filled a void. I placed the large bowl down as I hugged myself. It would not be wise to cry over spilled milk because I was doing excellent on my own.

I stared at my hands.

I was such a liar. Two years was a long time to be single ever since you graduated high school.

Wasn't this the peak of my mountain? I should be doing something about my life not fussing about it. I cuddled a cushion, it was two years yet I still cried as though he dumped me yesterday.

My father was severely disappointed in me when I didn't apply to college. I chose to work a minimum wage job at the age of eighteen and my mother was not too thrilled to find the daughter which she wished to guide doing such a thing.

It was not that I had poor ambition but it would be rather unfair for my dad to find my tuition. My mind was in no way ready for school with my current depression and the top schools they had lined out for me were not yet ready to handle my wreck.

Was I overeating, my heartbreak could not be that devastating now could it?

I was disappointing enough in high school and sure, dad has the money but there was no need for me to waste it. He had spent enough money on divorce with my mother.

I looked to the screen before me as I sunk my nails to the cushion.

"Would you just kiss him already?" I hissed to the actress on screen, the man before her staring at her with intense desire. My wish was granted and now I could sink into self pity. I had not been with a man in two years and the feeling was quite dull.

I spent most of my time between home and work. I hadn't spoken to either of my parents for two months now all because I wanted both to be happy.

They had been through enough for the past two years already. When would I receive the blessing of a decent man? By decent man I meant a man that I could take to my parents. A man who saw me for who I was and not for who he wanted me to be.

My window shattered, my eyes falling to that direction. I screamed and pushed myself to one end of the sofa. When the strength was found I stood, my eyes on the man who was up as soon as he came tearing through my window. His skin now wore bruises, his eyes on me.

He scrunched his face somewhat and I looked to my attire. I was currently wearing a night gown that was a bit transparent if you were close enough.

Sure I asked for a man but...

Not like this I hissed mentally as I stared in horror. He was holding a gun, his attire nothing but a black merino and deep blue jeans.

"I have some cash and a few jewelry..."

"That's a grave insult. If was a here to rob as you assume out of all the apartments available, why would I choose this one?" he asked as he leaned against the wall, glancing through my broken window momentarily.

I was just about to issue and insult but he spoke first.

"Take cover!" He yelled and my eyes went incredibly wide.

"What's happening?" I panicked and the man shot at my feet. That was enough to send me to the kitchen whereby I slid on my ass and hit my forehead on the base of the island.

I groaned, my source of pain being my source of refuge. The bullets sounded louder as more men came through the very sane widow.

What would my father think if he knew of this?

I clutched my cell phone, my back against the structure as I tried my very best not to look at the scene that was currently. There was nothing that I hated more than blood.

Was a man too great to ask for?

Something held my arm and I screamed until I was on my feet. He freed me and I almost fell over his combat shoes.

"Come" he was quite daring for someone who crashed through my window. He must be crazy as well.

"Excuse me?" I asked because the only logical explanation for this would be that I had gone deaf.

"We need to move" he had a thick Spanish accent but that was beside the point. I think the man had a few screws missing.

"We?" I asked as he stripped the corpse of whatever he could. The fact that he had a backpack to put these items in was a bit disturbing.

Actually, that bag belonged to me, I would know that design and colour scheme anywhere. This man was limitless in every way.

"Then I suppose you would like to sit here with corpse?" He asked and crossed my arms.

"Whatever you stole had nothing to do with me" I told him and his gaze fell behind me. His gray eyes bore me.

"The next person to come through that window won't hesitate to kill you. I am not quite eager to take you with me but having your blood on my shoulder is much worse" he told me and I gazed at the corpse around my apartment.

I stared at my shoes. When I followed behind him it was in that moment I knew I was an Idiot.


"What did you do?" I asked as I desperately tried to catch up with the man before me.

Seeing my struggle he killed his pace, his eyes on me the moment I was next to him. I wrapped my arms around myself, I should have at least change my clothes if I was going to venture with a lunatic.

"I've done a lot of things butterfly" he told me and I did not appreciate him calling me that.

I was an idiot getting the tattoo on my ankle in the very first place. The things peer pressure and a jack ass for a boyfriend could lead one to do.

"Did you cross someone?" I asked and he kept his gaze ahead.

"I am a ex convict butterfly, the government wants me dead or alive and perhaps I have discarded those who helped me" he was very serious when he said that. I stopped walking immediately, my eyes on the lonely streets around us.

I swallowed; did he call me out to tie his loose end? Again I was an idiot following this man.

"Do you wish to continue because the choice is yours" he turned to face me, his strong arms crossed over his chest.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"People on the run don't usually strategize butterfly" he told me and I too crossed my arms.

"If you were going to rape and kill me you could at least knock me our first" I told the man before me, my hazel eyes boring him.

His eyes fell to my tiny cleavage. His gaze lifting to stare at me with dislocated brows.

"Now there is not much to rape now is there?" He asked and my mouth fell open.

Without another word he was walking again.

Tell me what you all thought of the first chapter.


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