Chapter Twenty Eight- Drunk On Guilt

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Deciero's POV

My life was no longer excited as the woman responsible for the excitement was no longer in my life. I was cruel to her just before she was returned to her father.

The small betrayal tormented me and while the intimacy we shared was long gone I could still taste her. Was it possible that she was still thinking of me the way I thought of her?

Sivana knew nothing of the deal I made to her gather and seeing the disappointment on her face was painful. She confessed to loving a man who was and will always be an opportunist.

The true intention was to return her at my pace but her father was eager to have his daughter back. I could not blame the man so I agreed to what could have been considered an express service.

While Sivana was off a wealthy I was not. It sounded rather selfish but when the money was offered I went ahead and double it.

While she was going back to a life I had to make one with my new found freedom. I was not completely free because there were men out there who still wished to kill me.

My days of running were far from over and the last group I ran into threatened a woman that was no longer in my company. Sivana was out of my company but she was surely still in danger.

Without her I had absolutely no way of contacting her father to issue a warning. My only hope was that Sivana was a bit more observant and had great ptotection.

I was not very worried because she was now in that care of her father and her father was very capable of protecting her. I mean he had the equipment and the men around him to do so.

A man with all that power would never allow his daughter to land in the hands of danger for a second time.

I placed the glass to my head only to reach the glass towards the bartender in a drunken fashion. The man gazed down at me with a bottle in hand and I arched a brow.

"Another please" I suggested and he did not seem to appreciate my poor persona. I blinked slowly, my body trying to fight the urge to go to sleep.

I was drunk, everything in my field of vision was doubled and blurry. My head was spinning and my stomach was trying to keep the food I ate in.

Liquid burned my throat and the bartender looked at me as though he pitted me. Well if he held so much pity for me that much why did he serve me another?

I shook my head in order to get rid of the pain there but that only seemed to make the pain worst. I grimance as I rubbed my temple with my free hand.

"Someone coming to get you fellow?" He asked and I raised my glass with shaky hands. He took my glass and I didn't even feel it.

When he did I was upset.

"Do I look like someone who needs to be collected?" I hissed and the man threw my drink away.

"Yes you do, you need to call someone to get you. Better yet I'll call you a cab" he told me.

I stood with a finger raised, my body finding difficulty in standing straight. Now his suggestion was no where near his job description.

"Who do you think you are?" I mumbled as I tried to keep myself straight. By this time we were gaining a few eyes and most importantly a few laughter.

I took a swing at his head and I was surprised when my hand connected. Many persons cheered and I didn't realize that I was still agile until I flung my body over the counter and issued a few punches.

The bartender was bleeding before I knew it. I kept punching but that did not last long when two men grabbed me by the arm.


"What are you doing?" She asked and I continued to move in and up and down motion over her frozen body.

"As you can observe I am trying to keep fit" I stated and before she could raise her knee in order to cause harm I prevented her from doing so.

"While I said nothing about you hitting me across the face don't you dare" I hissed as she tried to free her captive knee cup.

She cupped my face due to the eyes that were watching us from a distance. She stared right into my eyes.

"You kiss me and I will kick you in your family jewels even if it cost a scene" she threatened and I moved my brows.

"Who said anything about kissing you?" I asked because if she thought I would swap saliva with a woman I barely knew she was insane.

"Well what else could be more  romantic?" She asked and I was on my knees. I tugged her hips in order to bring her body closer to me as I lowered to rest on my elbow.

"Put your legs around my waist" I instructed in a discrete manner. She scrunched her face upwards at my suggestion. 

"I will not put my legs around you Deciero and that's final" She told me and if she knew how daring my father could be she would follow my instruction without question.

I had no idea how I got to an hotel but I was in a bed and that was all that mattered. Due to the headache I could not sleep no matter how comfortable the bed was.

"I never wanted to betray you" I was now staring at Sivana and she was as soft as a pillow. I kissed her eyes, my gun being removed and thrown to the floor.

"Needed that money to start over" I continued to mumble as I was now touching her hair. She was silent as she stared right at me, those pretty eyes of hers boring my soul.

"You will forget about me" I told Sivana who was beginning to fade. I held her closer but she vanished completely and only my pillow was left behind.

I closed my eyes softly as sleep was beginning to kick in and my body was starting to feel numb due to intoxication.

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