Chapter Twenty One- I Don't Want To Be Innocent

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Be Honest - Jorja Smith

Sivana's Pov

"I hate you" I hissed the moment we were in the confinement of the bedroom. Deciero stared down at me and I was furious that he was keeping quiet after our argument in the car.

Did he even hear a single word I said?

"I'm not good for you" he was staring at me, my tears staining my cheeks.

"Is this what you did to Andrea?" I asked and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. He held me by the arm and placed me against the wall, his grey eyes searching my watery eyes.

"This is between you and I" he clarified and I took a deep breath.

"You don't have to lie to me, there were a lot of conversation I over heard" I told him and he blinked.

"Eavesdropping? Are you serious?" He asked and I kept my mouth closed. He looked as though I was his greatest irritation.

For a short moment I was terrified.

"You can't deny the fact that you were starting to like me too. You came for me after I walked away-"

"Stop" I blinked as he released me slowly, Deciero closing his eyes for a sharp moment.

"That moment on the train, the night in the forest when you saved me from falling, the night you touch-"

"I said enough" he was firm when he said that so I looked to the floor. I had his feelings uncovered and he was figuring out what to do with me.

There was no need for that because we both knew where I was going. I was returning to my family for good.

"You distinctly wished for your family so why are you behaving this way?" He asked and I hugged myself.

"We were supposed to meet and you know it" I told him and he shook his head at me.

"I could have chosen any one of those windows. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life Sivana" I was told and my eyes squeezed out the tears they were holding.

"I had no idea I would miss you until now. I want to stay here with you" I confessed as he removed his coat.

His back was now to me.

"You will get over me Sivana. You have a life waiting for you, don't give that up for something temporary" he told me and I stared at the dull painting of this room.

"I will be going to college when I get back, that's what my parents want. The least you could do is send me back so that I would fit in better" he gazed up at me.

"I don't follow" he told me and I took a deep breath. This was the one time I was afraid to be blunt.

"Virgins don't fit in there" I stated and he stared at me as though I had gone mad. Perhaps I had, I was trying to get a gray eyed stone to talk back to me.

"Your virginity is not a peace offering Sivana" he told me as he stood so that he could retrieve something from his bag.

"I never said it was" I hissed. There were moments when I wished he would shut up and give me control.

"Then why are you trying to give it to me?" He asked and I licked my teeth. He said that as though it was a unwanted gift.

"You're right, I'll find a guy in college to..."

I was not allowed to finish as he had me pinned against the wall by the wrist as he began to kiss me. This time the kiss was right where I wanted it, on the lips with his tongue in my mouth.

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