Chapter Forty Six- Help Me Please

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Deciero's Pov

I never carry out a task on impulse but soon after I finished my exercises all I could think of was one woman. I rubbed the bulge in my pants, I spent my entire night watch her sleep.

I confessed my love to her but she was far too deep in slumber to hear it.   It was quite unfortunate because she would never hear those words as long as she was awake.

My every move was strategically outlined in my mind so I approached the only person who could possibly help me in a scenario like this one. She was the best friend of the woman I was in love with and with the house empty this was the perfect opportunity for me to tackle her.

Andre and Sivana left to get groceries that weren't needed. It was quite clear that Andre agreed to take her shopping because he was in love with the woman.

He enjoyed spending time with the woman more than anything.

Miley chose to stay behind and it was clear that the girl was giving the pair privacy.  I followed the girl to the kitchen only to frighten the younger woman.

"Damn" she breathed calmly and I removed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I took a small sip to ease the dryness that lived in my throat.

"I request a favor" I told her and she stared at my exposed chest. She frowned at my request.

"Far from what you are thinking" I clarified and she placed her empty dish down.

"Too bad, I would give you the time of your life" she stated and I stared at her wildly. The woman held her stomach in laughter.

"I am kidding, my best friend was all over you. As it regards to your favorite I'm listening" she stated and I stared at the woman before me.

"A few nights back Sivana tried to drug me in order to sleep with me. I may have been harsh on her and I wish to redeem myself" I told her and she dipped in her pocket the moment I said that.

"I have some pills you can slip it in her drink, she loves wine when watching-"

So this woman was just as crazy as I thought.

"I'm surprised that you would help me in such an act but quite disappointed that you would encourage a man to rape your best friend" I told her and she placed the pills to her pocket quietly.

"You are in love with her aren't you?" She asked and I tighten my crude gaze. That word must not be used so openly.

"Will you help me or not?" I asked and she took me by the hand.

"Let's go for a drive" she suggested and I head towards the bedroom in order to retrieve a shirt.


"My friend won't admit it but she crave romance in the bedroom" Miley stated as she bit into her fourth sandwich. I wrapped the steering gently as I looked away from the girl who had the stomach of a cow.

"By romance what do you refer to?" I asked and she smiled.

"You are a bit too aggressive" she told me and I nodded in a gesture of obtaining understanding.

"Wouldn't she rather a date before that?" I asked and Miley made a sound.

"Yes that would be nice but a man like you won't survive it. Sivana is very talkative" she told me and I nodded.


"That is quite true" I stated and Miley stared at me. I eyed her oddly.

"You know, I remember Siv telling me she had her first BJ with you. She never did mention you returning the favor" she told me and I stared at the red light ahead of us.

"I have never done so in my entire life" I turned to look at Miley, Miley holding my stare.

"That's what you came to me about all along. I'm so stupid sometimes. You want to apologize through the sex" Miley mumbled and I stared at the couple seated at the bus stop.

Teen lovers, that was something I never cared about in highschool.

"Will you help me?" I asked and she tapped her chin when I looked at her.

"If you were really keen on sleeping with her again why turn her down?" She asked as the car was moving once again.

"She drugged me, what part of that would you not be upset about?" I asked as I picked up speed on the freeway.

"And that didn't turn you on one bit?" She asked and I grit my teeth. How could I look to this woman for advice?

"Are you sure she's into jewelry?" I asked as I glance into the mirror. Their was a blue velvet box resting on the back seat of the car.

"Relax" Miley told me as she waved me off. I made a swift turn, Sivana should be back by now.

I pulled into the driveway smoothly, Miley exiting the car before it could fully stop. She snuck her way into the house, the engine being killed as I stared at the box.

I grabbed the item and placed it to my back pocket, my shirt covering the item as best as possible. The moment I stepped indoors Miley came before me.

"Could you take me back to the store?" She asked and I stared down at her. I grit my teeth.

"We just came from the store" I pointed out clearly.

"There were a pair of earrings that matched a chain I bought" she stated and I looked behind her.

We both know that there was something I had to do. I moved her aside gently and she gripped my biceps.

"Please" she stated and it was clear that she was hiding something. With that though I moved faster, my hand barely touching the door onto to hear the sound of a woman moaning.

I stared at the woman who was gripping the headboard as she cried her pleasure. The man who was giving that pleasure stared at me as his hand cuddled her body the way my eyes once did.

I said nothing as I pulled the door to a silent close. Miley stared at me before her eyes fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry" she told me and I pulled the box for my pocket and handed it to her.

I headed for the porch, my favorite chair being taken. I stared at hands that rested between my legs.

"Please don't yell at her, tomorrow is her birthday" came a voice behind me and I turned to look at her.

"Miley I am fine" I told her and she nodded. She clutched the blue box before walking away.

The little things would always come back to haunt you.

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