Chapter Ten- Sleep

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Deciero's Pov

She wasn't very smart and I would continue to repeat that. Andrea's idea to track the car made sense for a reason.

When she walked out on me there was no way I asked to go after her. She wanted to go after her father on her own then I asked not to stop her.

I was right initally becuase while she thought she was ahe wasn't very street smart. Before she could lock the car I hid on the passenger side and held the door open.

The girl was too focused on the fast food outlet to make such an observation. I sucked my teeth.

I was seated in the back seat of the car with my eyes fixed to the woman who exit the fast food outlet with a brown paper bag. She was smiling and it was quite clear that she was oblivious to her surroundings.

All her focus was directed to the food.

The boys that whistled at her were apart of something greater. There was a diversion to come.

I could see the weaponry they claimed to hide. I scanned the area only to find that there was too far not to far from here.

I sucked my teeth.

I squeezed my way into the driver's seat the two black cars pulled up, my window being taken down as I fired at the cars.

The tires were taken out first and gun fire came after me. I lowered, the risk being taken when I began to drive again.

Sivana panicked and I got out of the car with heavy gun power. She clutched her meal as she struggled to get down due to her knee.

Seeing that she was going to fail she covered her ears and scream. By this time the main shooters were taken out of critically injured.

I was buying her enough time to make it back to the car. She ran as best as she possibly could, her face scrunched up in pain.

I opened the door for her, my free hand pulling her into the car as I continued to drive slowly. She closed the door and lowered with her hand on her ear as well were on the main road once again.

Sivana sat up the moment she realized that there was no one following us. I kept my eyes on the road and Sivana applied her pain medication quietly.

She hissed a curse when I held her knee and squeezed. She screamed in pain and I released her with a pissed face.

"How did you find me?" She finally asked the question after a tremendous amount of silence. I kept my eyes on the road, her behaviour would not go unseen and unfelt.

She had been ungrateful from the day I met her. She brought hell upon on me.

She made me look and feel bad in front of a good friend. A friend who loan me her motor cycle just to come after this woman.

She touched my thigh as much as the gesture bothered me I kept my eyes the road. She moved her hand swiftly as though I had burned her.

I wish I had.

"I followed you" I told her and she stared at me. There was an impending question, I could feel it.

"Why?" She pressed on and I felt like an idiot. Again her odd behaviour, she said that as though I should not have went in pursuit.

"You are not equipped to be on the street alone. Sivana you are extremely young and you have poor observation skills" I told her as I turned onto a dirt road.

"Gee thanks" she replied sarcastically as our bodies jerked due to the bad road. I pulled her bag from the back seat with my free hand, that bag being thrown to her lap.

I retreived my very own.

"It is only the truth" I told her as the car came to a slow stop. She stared at me.

"What a sick way to provide comfort. Why aren't we going to a motel?" She asked as I got out of the car.

A cell phone was removed from my pocket and thrown to the car seat. She stared at the device.

"Too public" was my small reply as she followed me and got out of the vehicle.

"And were the hell are we supposed to sleep?" She asked as I placed a handkerchief to the gas thank and lit a match.

I threw her over my shoulder immediately after and ran as fast as my legs would take me. The explosion sounded.


"Please tell me you are joking" she stated as she stared at the hammock made of sheet. I sat on a small rock and lit a fire close by.

This situation was absolutely nothing to joke about.

"I am joking" I repeated and she held her chest with a smile. I shook my head at her childish behaviour.

"Thank god" she smiled and I arched a brow. She was now laughing as she stared at what I had created for her.

"For a second there I thought you were serious" she stated only to laugh again.

"Es muy difícil comunicarse contigo. Eres muy estúpido. (It is so hard to comunicate with you. You are so stupid.)" I hissed and she smiled.

If the woman has any idea what was said she would not be smiling. I took hold of her, her eyes going wide as I placed her down.

"I am serious about resting here for the night" I told her and her expression fell. She sat up the moment I took a seat on the closet rock, my gun in hand.

"I can't sleep out here!" She exclaimed as she scanned the area in a wild manner. I reload my gun, my lips curled.

"Why not?" I asked as I stared at her, hazel eyes fixed to me in disregard.

"I want to go to a motel" she frowned. I was right about her being spoiled because she showed that with my everything decision.

"In due time you will, I am just not the man to take you there" the moment I said that her eyes gave a slight sparkle.

She was tanned so if she should blush you would have to look rather closely to see it. I stared at her and just like I had predicted she was intimidated.

"Goodnight" with that she gave me her back. I stared at my gun with a smirk.

Finally there was peace and quiet. The girl really talked to much for my liking.

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