Chapter Fifteen- Left Behind

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Sivana's Pov

I woke up to loud banging, my eyes going wider than the possible. Was I somehow living a life of hell, who could be so cruel to disrupt my sleep.

At this point sleep was the only good thing in my life. The door came off and my skin was quick to follow.

This looked good in no way.

The men that came in were armed so I reached to touch the man the that was supposed to me in a chair next to my bed. I froze when I realized that no one was there, the man at the front if the troop looked to me.

The book he was reading was gone. Well that showed the value of my life, was it because the book listened to him?

"There she is!" He exclaimed and the others walked by him in order to search the room.

"Hold onto her, find the bastard" one instructed and I was grabbed, my arms behind me. Well this was surely no way to treat a lady.

"You are hurting me" I missed as the man behaved as though I was just very own rag doll.

"Be quiet" he hissed and I felt desperate. If Deciero was not here I would be a dead woman.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Another man asked and I stared up at him. Why is it all the cute guys chose to be the devil's advocate?

Take Deciero for example.

"I don't have one but I'm open for applications" I stated with a smile.

I groaned when he sunk two fingers to my cheek bones. His lips came to my ear, my cheeks burning due to the pressure that residents there.

"I'm flattered but that can only happen when I get your lover out the picture" he stated as he released my face.

"He's not my boyfriend" I hissed and he looked around the room. It was as though the man failed to believe me.

"You two shared a room sweetheart, now where is he?" He asked as he cupped my chin, his eyes having a particular glint there.

Deciero where are you?

"I don't know where he is, I woke up alone" I stated and the one that were searching came back disappointed.

"He's not here" he announced.

"What?" I yelled the question because a situation I saw as a joke became very serious. This was a mess that I would be alone in.

"Take the girl and me" one stated and I hooked my feet to the bed. If I was going to die I had to die trying.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled only to be tugged like a stubborn rope. I held my ground, my hands gripping the sheets as I was being forced out of the room by the hips.

The knee that was supposed to be healing connected with the base of the bed. I'm sure I would feel less pain if I was shot there.

I yelled in pain, my face touching the bed softly. Everything moved in slow motion there after, my body leaving the bed slowly in my mind.

Shots sounded and three of the men fell, all eyes falling to the building across from this one. The curtains were drawn so Deciero's disappearance was intentonal.

Was Deciero the mansion the next building?

I was yanked by the hair out of the room, corpse of innocent accusations of this hotel. I looked away from the brutality as the sad reality caved in.

Deciero did say that I slowed him down so there is a possibility of him leaving me for good. Sure I had no combat skills but he could teach me how to fight if I slowed him down that much.

It would be rather cold of him to leave me here

The moment we exit the building shots sounded and when the man holding me fell flat I did the same. The reason we did it differed however, while his head was blown off mine was not.

I fell in order to protect my head so we would not share the same faith.

I covered my ears while my ass pointed upwards as all the men around me were corpse. I pressed my eyes closed as I awaited my turn.

Minutes passed and it never came.

"Get up" but that was quite new because the last time I checked this was a bloody war and I was the innocent caught in the middle.

"Sivana" it was the voice of a man that I didn't recognize so I kept my head down. I turned to look at the fellow reaching his hand towards me.

"I was sent to get you and take you to the cabin" the man stated and I eyed him strangely. For some odd reason he looked familiar but this was a man I had never seen in my life.

"Who are you?" I asked and he threw the sniper over his shoulder. His hand gun being placed behind him only to stretch his arm out again.

"I'm Deciero's cousin" he told me and I took his hand, I was still aware that this could be a trick.

What if he worked for someone else who wanted me? At this point I did not know who to trust.

"What cabin?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes and he looked at me dead in the eyes.

"I was told not to tell you. You may tell your father with any chance you get" I was told and I fold my arms.

Those words could only come from Deciero's lips.

"That's Deciero alright" I hissed and the man handed me a gun. I checked to find that the gun was loaded so I smiled.

"This is just in case you still don't trust me" he stated and I smiled at the gun.

"Now why didn't Deciero give me one of these. I would have shot him the night I met him" the moment I said that the man froze.


I liked when it snowed. This type of weather generated a new atmosphere and while other's didn't seem to appreciate it I did.

While it sounded stupid the snow provided me with the hope that things would be better. The best part was watching every surface the white particles fell on.

It was a beauty to see.

Beside the cold winters were okay because I always spent it with family and close friends. If Deciero should keep his promise I will be spending this one with family.

A family I had not seen ever since I left home. Would they even forgive me for trouble I got into just by leaving home?

"You haven't touched your food" the man driving commented and I turned to look at him.

My appetite was lost because I could not help but feel bitter at Deciero. After all the trouble he brought my way he chose to leave me behind.

"I'm not hungry" I stated as I tapped the plastic container, my eyes on the road that would soon be icy. If it was not for the heat in the car I would be freezing.

"Oh" he replied but there was a huge difference between the siblings. Deciero was stiff while the man next to me was a bit more relaxed.

"Is gun a family thing?" I asked and he glanced at me as well turned onto a lonely road. I placed my hidden hand on the gun on my hip.

"I'm a cop, my youngest cousin is a criminal" he clarified and I almost choked.

"You're a cop?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Deciero is the kind of man that gets the job done then betrays" he told me and I saddened.

"He was going to leave me behind" I stated and the man next to me kept silent. Yes, I thought so.

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