Chapter Twenty Seven- Hazel Eyes

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Sivana's Pov

"Hazel eyes" someone whisper yelled and I looked around oddly. Everyone seemed to be participating in the lecture or making notes.

Why would a ghost want to call me in thew middle of my lecture? I scratched my hair. I really hoped this was not the voice in my head reaching out to me.

"Down here" the voice instructed and I looked to the girl who was seated a seat down from me. I blinked and green eyes bored me.

I knew that face. She was the daughter of one of my father's greatest enemies.

Christopher Morris, a man that once worked for my father. I chewed the inside of my cheek, well this was a very small world.

"Can I borrow it?" She went on to say and I gazed at her oddly. Well I would say yes my dear but currently I do not know what you are borrowing.

"Borrow what?" I asked and she pointed to my pencil case. I stared at it for a short while.

"Oh never mind, I'll just come up there" and the girl threw her bag to me. She climbed the seat and all eyes fell on the girl who was exposing way too much with her movement.

"Miss Morris!" The lecturer exclaimed and she was now facing me so I could see her eye roll. I tried my best not to laugh at the man who had his rather boring lesson put to a paused by a bouncy brunette.

"Sorry!" She yelled without a care in the world and the entire class went up in intense laughter. The man who had his lesson interrupted mumbled to himself as his skin grew red due to the fact that his student made him a live ridicule.

"I can't believe you were day dreaming about that a**" she hissed as she collected her bag from me. I swallowed dry saliva, she thought I was daydreaming about a forty year old lecturer who got off just about anything?

Sure the man was good looking but damn. He had one hell of a personality.

"I wasn't say dreaming about him!" I whisper yelled as my face twisted. I haven't met the girl long enough and she was already capturing my last nerves.

"But you were day dreaming about a man" she teased as she turned her head to look at me from a different angle. My face showed my guilt.

"Why are you talking to me, our dads can't stand each other remembers" I stated as I handed her my pencil case. She smiled as though what I said was food for thought.

"All the reasons I want to be your friend. This is revenge for sending me to collage dad" she stated as she removed my pink highlighter. How nice, we were both forced into college life.

"I'm Miley Morris" she treated and I tried to absorb the lesson but the girl kept talking.

"Siv-" she did not allow me to finish but she still shook my hand.

"Oh come on, you were all over the news girl" she stated only to wave me off. I shook my head at her, my eyes on the lesson.

This was the kind of attention I gained? Flattering but I truly which I had never met Deciero, my life would have been so normal.

I looked to the girl as I remembered that I took an invitation to a wild party from my ex. The bad part was not taking the invitation but actually showing up alone.

"Would you like to go to a party?" I asked and she deadpanned me with her face.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" She asked and I removed the flyer and handed it to her. She stared at it, her eyes going wide.

"This isn't a freshman party, this is the school's top footballer hosting this sh*t. How did you get this?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. Well if she should behave like that she might as well worship him.

"The jerk is my ex" I told her as I raised my ankle in order to show her the tattoo. She smiled at me.

"I'm beginning to like this friendship already" the girl stated as she continued to stare at the flyer.


"What about this?" she asked and I eyed the attire.

"Too sl*tty" I told her firmily and she threw the dress aside.

"This?" she asked asked she captured another outfit.

"Well now you look old Miley" I told her and she pushed the outfit from her body to stare at it. She generated an awful frown.

"I agree" she added while I walked around what could be someone's whole apartment. I was once living in an apartment so it was only fair for me to make the comparison.

My closet at the pent house just a bit smaller than this one. One thing was for sure though, it was not as loaded as this one.

"Your closet is huge" I remarked and the brunette shrugged. She had been digging for quite a while yet she still could not find anything suitable to wear.

"You thin so?" she asked.

"A man could live here" I told her and she chuckled.

"What about this?" she asked.

She reminded me of myself in more ways than one. For this flaw I must admit that this feels like having a best friend.

"To shiny" I told her and she threw the outfit away with a frown.

"We need to shop" she stated and I shrugged. She seem to read my mind because if I was in my very own closet I too would have nothing to wear.

"I agree" I told her and our body guards were waiting for us on the outdoors. A cruel idea popped up in my head.

"Why not model for the gentlemen waiting for us?" I suggested and she screamed as she took me by the hand.

"You are so evil and I like it" she stated as we maid our exit. The men were stiff and bared no emotions to the face.

I rolled my eyes, must all body guards behave this way?

"We are going shopping" I told the four men and all the blood seem to drain from their faces.

"We would also like to be in the same car" The girl added and I grinned.

"With all due respect Miss Henderson your father was made aware of your new acquaintance and he is not quite pleased" one of my guards informed me and I placed my hands to my hips.

"Well daddy isn't here" I stated firmly and my two body guards stared at each other.

Vote and comment on that chapter guys :) The fun is far from over :)

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