Chapter Twenty Nine- Still In For The Chase

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Deciero's Pov

"How does it feel?" The voice of s woman purred as a knife was pulled across my chest until red appeared. The woman had been at this for hours, finding a sick satisfaction in spilling my blood.

Everything around me was black due to the bag that was placed over my head. I could smell board so I could only assume that this was in the midst of lumber production.

If not this was a very old house. I kept pain well hidden because the torturer enjoyed the sound of a victims cry.

I would know because I have played the roll before.

I had no chance of removing the item over my head because my hands where strapped behind me. I tried moving but that resulted in pain wrists.

I was taken here unconsciously and this was nothing compared to a rude awakening.

"Who are you?" I asked and the woman found my question amusing because she chuckled deeply. A soft hand came on my shoulder, one word being whispered in my ear.

My stomach was very much unsettled and I knew the main cause was the excess alcohol. The food was actually well prepared and was quite enjoyable but I could not help the feeling that I would have to vomit rather soon.

It was not the food that surge my stomach, it was yhe dream. In that dream it was a matter of time before the flesh would be pulled from my body.

In a sick way I desrved it.

Bile rose to my mouth, my hands gripping the comforter as I hurled. My eyes grew wide when the content of my mouth flowed onto black combat shoes.

My body moved painfully as more bitter liquid came to play. I blinked as there was a small growl above me.

I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt. I could no longer feel the gun on my hip, the man who collected my mess hissing a chain of curses.

I could taste vomit.

I pressed my palm to the bed but never got the chance to move. A gun was pointed in my direction.

"Hold it Esperitro, we would not want to do anything stupid." I gazed up at the owner of that voice. The man smiled at me and I held my stare, a small pain surging through my injured knee.

Good morning to you too.

"Harvard suits her quite well, that's what the rich deserve right? The rest of society should just eat the scraps that fall from their table" another man mumbled.

I grit my teeth in a discreet fashion. Sivana had no control over the family she grew up in because while you could choose friends, family could not be chosen.

The man could only be speaking of one woman and that one woman was now in danger. Sivana was being notified by these men and I was beginning to doubt Sivana's protection.

"You see the government may no longer have interest in you but you have crossed many. I am one of the many" the man grounded out at me.

I raised one eyebrow. Odd, I don't seem to remember you.

What did any of this had to do with Sivana? She was never my partner in crime.

"What's your interest in the girl?" I asked and I felt my face cave in when the back of the gun connected with the the area.

I spat clumps of blood along with what resembled flesh. My gaze fell to my knee, the area that was close yet so far from healing. I was defenceless and useless in this the situation.

"You have me, she's an innocent" I said it so swiftly and that resulted in numerous pair of eyes falling on me.

Some laughed at me.

"The man who raised her is not and he has what we need" he carried on and I balled my fist. Money, it was all about money.

The man smiled at me, his braces appearing luminous due to the light of the sun. Our friend wanted me dead and his hands on Henderson money after doing it.

Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

"La forma en que la defiendes es interesante" he told me and I relaxed, my arms behind my head as I stared at him.

"Debrías haberme matado mientras tuviste la oportunidad en Panamá (You should have killed me while you had the chance in Panama)" I hissed and they all stared at me oddly.

I am not your average dying men.

"Room service!" The voice of a woman yelled and the man gazed at me. He looked to one of his men.

This was my way out and I was going to take it.

"Responde a la perra. (Answer the b*tch)" he ordered as quietly as possible.

"Esa no es la forma de halbar con una dama. (That is not the way to speak to a lady)" I hissed and the men kept a close eye on moment they opened the door.

"Silencio. (Silence.)" He hissed as he held on to my collar. I remained relaxed, the door opening to reveal a man instead of a woman.

My eyes widened. My luck just went from bad to good, I smiled with that thought.

The first bullet landed in the head the man standing next to me. I rolled under the bed in order grab the gun that was placed there for scenario such as this one.

When I rolled my injured knee connected with the floor a bit too roughly.

I opened fire the moment I was out and someone was lucky enough to lodge a bullet in my upper arm. I groaned but before I could stumble in anyway I was supported by someone's back.

"I am tired of cleaning up after you" Fernando hissed and I watched the blood leave my arm. We were standing along corpse, Fernando turning me to face him.

"I never asked you to" I hissed.

"You don't even know how to offer gratitude" he carried on and I ran my tongue over my teeth.

"Not when what I should be thankful for came as an insult" I hissed.

"My team responded to this call so I suggest you leave. We were informed that unauthorised person had access to the building. That Includes you because your name was not seen in the log book which simply means you gave a fake name" he told me and I nodded frimly as I grabbed my bag and left the hotel as discreetly as possible.

Anyone who saw me was killed.

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Writer's block are the worst. Now that the two are separated there is no one to give bad jokes and spoil a moment 🤣🤣🤣

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