Chapter Forty Eight- Birthday Girl, Birthday Fun

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Deciero's Pov

I tapped the steering wheel, my eyes on the house in hope that the girls would be walking out anytime soon. I was seated so long I'm quite sure that my rear separated into five sections.

The statement of women taking rather long to get ready was true. Maybe there was skin in women's wardrobe and women were required to change it often.

That was my only explanation.

I reclined my chair as I stared at the night sky. There was a tap on my glass, my eyes on the man who I avoided as much as it was required that we worked together.

I could not work with a man I now saw as my rival. He had sex with Sivana and hurting over a woman I told not the love me was the most thing I expected.

I bought the glass down and he looked surprised that I did. For the most part I was avoiding this man for personal reasons.

"Would you like to tell me what all that was about the other night?" He asked and I stared up at him.

"Could you some how make the question clearer?" I asked and he gave a firm stare.

"Don't play smart with me Esperitro" he stated as he placed his hand on the window of the car. I was tempted to take the glass upward but I fought the urge.

"I confronted her" I told him firmly and he laughed at me.

"What could be so great you had to throw a bottle at her head?" He asked and I became angry. I collared him roughly, his body being drawn inwards slightly.

"I know you slept with her, she prefers if I not do my job so you won't be hearing from her old man. Easy for you to call about a broken bottle but not about the things you did with the man's daughter. You don't have to worry because my lips are sealed" I hissed.

"You know I don't believe that Esperitro" he told me and I placed my arms beneath my head. I turned to the side in order to look at the man who failed to trust me.

I blamed him in no way.

"I give you my word" I told him and he stared at me in shock.

"By Dre!" The girl's screamed as they came into view. Sivana was the only one to kiss the man and I watched through the side of my eyes.

I was surprised when Miley was the one to take a seat next to me. She turned to look at me.

"Can I drive?" She asked.

"I was told to drive you two there" I replied flatly.

I straightened my chair as I started the car, Sivana hoping in the back seat. She said nothing to me and I watched her through the mirror.

If her eyes were a weapon I would have been a dead man.

"Seatbelts please" I requested and both girls followed my instructions. We drove in silence and for the first time in my life I wished the woman would speak.


"Daddy!" Sivana greeted as she launched at the man who prepared himself to catch her. Miley who stood next to to me crossed her arms.

"Then she lies about not having a favorite parent" Miley stated before walking off in the crowd to mingle.

"Well hello Deciero" I froze in my process of movements. That voice came from the mother, small hands on my shoulder.

"Have you been taking of her" she stated and I turned to look at her.

"We are not talking at the moment" I stated and the woman rung my skin.

"That's because you threw a bottle at her head" she hissed and I tried to break free from her hold.

"Enjoy the party" she hissed before walking off and I held my injured flesh.

I went by the bar and took a seat next to a girl who looked a bit too drunk to move. I changed my seat so I was a bit further, my eyes on my fist as I dipped in my pocket with the free hand.

"You're strongest" I told the bar tender and the woman nodded. The drink was handed to me minutes after and I turned to where there was microphone testing in the distance.

"Hello everyone, for those I have not seen in so long thank you so much for showing up to my twentieth birthday party!" Sivana yelled and cheers sounded.

"Happy birthday baby!" Her mother screamed and her father was the one who was embarrassed by the action.

Was I the only one hoping for this thing to end quickly?

"Have fun, have plenty to eat and drink, thank you all so much! Let's party!" she yelled as she handed the microphone back to the DJ.

"You heard the lady!" He yelled as the music began and the crowd came. I threw drink down and disappeared from the bar into the darkest corner of the entire room.

The music was very unsettling to the mind but this was what the mainstream culture enjoyed. Music that lead to painful hangovers in the morning.

I closed my eyes as my arms remained folded. I was taken by the wrist and I opened my eyes only to watch a woman's figure move against me.

"Sivana?" I asked as it was far to early for the woman to be drunk. She lowered slightly as she moved against me to heavy rhythm.

She turned to face me, my hand being brought to the chain on her neck.

"Miley explain everything last night, I love it" she told me as my free hand fell to her rotating hip.

I was old enough to know that dancing was never my favorite thing to do. In fact, I could not do it so I would save Sivana the birthday embarrassment.

"I wanted to get you jealous but it wasn't supposed to go that far, I swear" she told me and I closed my eyes for a sharp moment.

I wish she would just stop dancing and continue to dance.

I remained silent, Sivana and her movements was creating a slight boner. I turned her to face me roughly, my lips pressing against hers roughly only to shove my tongue into her mouth.

Her hand came to the back of my head, our tones having a power struggle. I palmed her ass possessively and it was in a moment such as this one I appreciate a heavy crowd.

She pulled away and my heart fell but she brought me by the hand to god knows where. My only concern was if her father was out of sight at the moment.

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