Chapter Forty Three- Aim At Revenge

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 Sivana's Pov

This was a real life horror film and it it  rather painful. I enjoyed watching the films as opposed to making them.

I felt cruel because a life was lost under my foolish regime. A life was denied access to this world due to my reckless nature.

My father showed his support but unlike my mother he was not sympathy towards me and was quite cruel in disclosing that he news of my dirty little secret.

The King was upset with the princes and the princess was now depressed by her foolish actions with an outsider.

I had the chance of bringing a child into this world and I ruined that chance. Deciero was still my body guard and that sunk me further into depression. Did he feel some type of way as it regards to my reckless behaviour?

I swallowed the small bit of pride I had left within my body. My chest vibrated as I gave my father's office door a gentle knock, the door opening the moment it was knocked.

"Dad I'm so sorry" I mumbled and he took  deep breath as he eyed the gaurds that were looking at me as though I had gone crazy. He took me by the wrist in a gentle fashion, my eyes buring as I stared at the paperwork present on his desk.

That could either be a death sentence or a really important business plan. There was a great possibility for the paperwork to be both.

"You lied to me" was his firm statement and Saliva tasted quite bitter in my mouth. Yes, i really did lie.

"I'm am not upset with you, just offended" he told me. I took a seat on the chair designed for guests, my legs crossed as I stared at my father.

My face was still quite wet. My visit was not to apologize but simply to seek revenge.

"I want out of collage and you are the only one who can give me that" I stated and my father choked on the liquor he had poured himself.

Yes father, you heard correctly.

"What?" The man asked as though my statement had given him a stroke. He was worried about the family name.

"I need you to give me the life I had before" I clarified and he coughed a few times.

"Sivana you and I both know you are saying this because you feel guilty. Deciero told me what happened, it is natural for a girl your age to react that way towards a man like him" he stated and I choked.

"What?!" I almost shouted as I stood, my eyes scanning the room. Deciero came onto me as well.

The real reason for my entry was spotted so I tried my best not to over react. You are way too close to spoil it now Siv.

"Boss?" I then looked to Andre who was standing by the door frame. He was just an innocent pawn in my game.

"Yes?" My father gritted out and Andre smiled innocently. I shook my head mentally at how simple the man was.

"I humbly accept your aim to increase my salary" he stated and my father's eyes widen. He left the room and while the time was limited it was enough to collect the drug I needed.

I shoved the item to my chest, my arms crossed as my father entered the room. He placed his drink down as he rubbed his neck aggressively.

"My men are slowly loosing their minds" he hissed and I faked shock.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he guessed for me to sit.

"Some idiot gave the message of a possibility of the guards salary growing. I can tell that your mother is behind this" he hissed and I laughed extremely loud internally.

Far from it father.

"Siv, honey I know you feel guilty about your accident but you are here. There will be all the time in the world to reproduce" he told me as though I was a pig.

I frowned clearly.

"I honestly don't want to go to college, you and mom know the type of girl I am" I told him and he came over to touch my shoulder.

"You say that now dear" he told me and I stared at my feet.


"Happy sweet sixteen baby!"  My mother exclaimed. I stared at the amazing four wheels staring back at me.

This has to be one of my mother's famous jokes. There was no way she would buy me a car like this.

"Mom you are f*cking with me right?" I asked and she punched my flesh.

"Watch it, just because it's your birthday does not spare you from death" she warned and I ran towards the car with childish screams.

I sunk the gas pedal, Andre crawling onto the passenger seat as I stared at the vehicles in the distance. A hand covered my own, my eyes growing moist.

That's right, how could I be so selfish?

"Slow down, it's not worth it" he told me and for some odd reason I listened to him, his hands guiding the car off the road. He freed my seatbelt, his eyes on me.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked and like a toddler I started to cry. I turned to look at the man seated next to me.

"I'm a murderer" I confessed and he took a deep breath.

"No you are not, I think we both know that" he told me and I felt bitter to his kind of people. The kind of people that Aimee for the happiness of others.

"Why don't you allow me to take the wheels while we talk?" He suggested and I surprised him by crawling over to the seat in which he sat, my hands resting on the dash board.

I turned to look at the man that had his eyes fixed to my rear. I cleared my throat and that lead to his appearance in the driver's side of the car, the car moving off slowly.

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