Chapter Fifty One- Heart Stained Red

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Sivana's Pov

Deciero stared down at me the moment his position changed and I followed with a stiff face. The irritation on his face would brighten the day of any dull soul.

His eye brows went up as his attempt to move his hands in order to test if he was being copied was followed by the truth. I was mimicking his stiff actions, Andre shaking his head at me.

"Would you quit?" Deciero asked and I turned to look at the person seated next me. Miley pretended to be oblivious to the moment as her eyes remained fixed to the couple before us.

Currently my boyfriend and body guard was standing next to my current seat. I smiled up at the man who was now having his last nerve wrecked by me, the little patience he had depleting slowly.

"That will be us one day" I whispered and I almost choked when he gripped the back of my neck. His fingers trailed my skin, his lips resting on my earlobe.

Here comes the threat of an upset boyfriend. Why must he be so rough anyways?

"Can you stop doing that, so far I've picked out five men who look like possible threats. It would be unfortunate if I have to get rid of my distraction by getting you kicked out of the wedding" he told me in a bitter tone and I shoved him away slightly, Miley shaking her head at us.

"Were weddings always this long?" Miley asked and I shrugged.

"I have never been married before Miley" I told her and the girl rolled her eyes at me.


I hugged the pillow. Here comes the dirty sex scenes. I hated my teeth as Deciero appeared before me and most importantly in front of my television.

"Where is the food?" He asked and my eye brows did a little dance.

"Would you move!" I asked as I threw the pillow at him. He caught the item quickly, his gaze falling on the television as he moved aside.

By this time the couple was semi nude and kissing heavily, one of her legs being raised and placed around his waist.

Deciero threw the pillow to me and I caught it without taking my eyes from the screen. I clutched the pillow's softness, my eyes glued to the screen.

"You are perfect" he mumbled as he mumbled on her ear lobe, his lips moving to her cheek, neck and chin in various patterns.

There was a knock on the door and I could hear Deciero move to answer it. This was the moment I would rather go be alone because I was now in the mood to be romanced by a man.

I would willingly trade places with the woman on screen.

She was now having her breast savoured wgile his finger tips touched to tease. Her mouth ajar as his habd touched where she craved to be touched the most.

A hot dish was placed before me and I kept my gaze on the television. Deciero snapped his fingers and I turned to face him, his arms being crossed as he placed his meal down.

"You do know that is all acting right?" He asked and I gave a flat stare.

Oh lord, I had no idea because I lacked common sense. Deciero could be so dumb, were all ball headed men this dumb?

I rolled my eyes.

"Well no figure Christopher Columbus" I stated as I began to eat slowly.

Whatever this was it tasted really great. I licked my fingers and Deciero stared at me.

I stuffed my face and chewed swiftly.

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