Chapter Thirty One- Rise And Shine

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Sivana's pov

I don't need to. I f*ck and when I do, it I do it dirty. You will love me because of the bedroom and you will hate me for it as well. I will not trust you and very soon you will fail to trust me" his words were harsh and each one connected roughly.

I believed them because even without parents there was not one facial expression to show that he cared about them. Even the cousin taken to me was given the rather cold shoulder.

Yet I was told that he cared about me. I must be a damn fool.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. This was not the time to cry Sivana, you knew he was a bastard when you met him that night.

"How can you stand there and say that to me?" I asked and he showed no remorse. It was as though I should have kept my damn mouth shut.

I continued to stare into those cold eyes.

"I cannot stand here and lie to you either" He hissed and my eyes watered.

I was the idiot to offer my virginity so he had every right to treat me in such a cold manner. I was nothing but a wh*re in his eyes.

"You said you care about me" I pointed out and he didn't even blink. What an eccentric bastard!

"Which is the reason I am asking you not to crave me in any way" he told me and I frowned internally. Now what gave him the idea that he was a meal.

"I think you are scared, men like you are always afraid-" he kissed me before I could even half my statement. I wrapped my legs around him as I enjoyed the lips of a cruel man.

He was seated on the bed and I was above him, my hands caressing the parts of him I could reach comfortably. His lips was toxic yet I craved every bit of it.

I swallowed as he squeezed my rear. Moaning against his lips as led him to lick the inside of my mouth and that was enough to set my body on fire.

I held onto my towel. I would be damned if I got naked for this bastard again.

Liquid pooled between my legs.

I groaned as my spinal cord cracked, my fingers caressing the sheets that covered my naked body. My curves were highlighted though and strange I could still taste every alcoholic beverage I drank that night.

I groaned as I touched my exposed nipple and bare skin beneath the sheets. I was sweating in the nude and the last time I checked I did not have a nightmare before now.

My naked body seems to be telling a different story.

Wait what? Naked body?

My eyes and mouth open and I choked on nothing when my eyes fell on a chocolate coloreed fellow sleeping next to me. Oh my god, when Miley encouraged me to throw a wild party this was not what I had in mind.

That girl is my personal path to destruction.

I stared at the fellow who was lying on his stomach as he slept as though this was his own bed. He too was in the nude but unlike me he was not covered in anyway.

At the rate in which he slept it was as though he didn't even seem to care. I mouthed the words 'oh my god' as I stared at my clock which read five forty three in blood red digits.

I poked the guy with my foot and he did not move. I made a bitter face only to pull my leg inwards before stretching it out roughly.

The boy fell and I heard something break. I leaned closer, my eyes now fixed to dark brown eyes.

"What are you doing in my bed?" He asked and I scoffed. What was I doing in his bed?

Now while I was only drinking he was sniffing cocaine.

"This big structure of wooden comfort is my bed. Now what are you doing in it?" I hissed as he stood and gathered his clothing.

"Damn, you're actually right" he stated as he glanced around my bedroom. He stepped into his pants
and I looked away.

"Please tell me we didn't" I begged as I cuddled the sheet. He took a deep breath behind me.

"It wasn't just the two of us" he told me and I choked on my windpipe. Taking part in a three or four sum was not on my to do list.

"There are more?!" I yelled as Ii tried to shift my windpipe to it's correct location.

"There were more than two people in this bed last night you know" he hissed and suddenly I developed a dry cough.

"More? What do you mean more?" And with that statement of fear I turned to face him.

"You are saying don't remember?" He asked and all the blood drained from my face.

It was something to remember? Oh god this sounds awful.

It has to be only one more person. If he should tell a greater amount I would fall off the bed face first.

"Remember what?" I asked on the voice that indicated how dry my throat was. I coughed again.

"I'm just messing with you but we did f*ck though" he stated as he did his belt, my face showing my horror.

"I had no idea why you wanted me to speak to you in Spanish but I guess everyone has their kinks. I am so glad I know some spanish" he laughed at his own appraisal.

I gripped my sheets because this was where I was supposed to bark.

"Guards!" I yelled and they came rushing in. The boy stared at me wide eyed while I pointed at him.

"Get him out of my room please" I asked and my intuition was followed. My lips part on their own as bike rose to my throat.

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