Chapter Forty Five- Faliure At Revenge

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Sivana's POV

"Aftern hour you will not beable to fight it" he told me as he leaned against the counter. I went by cracked lips, for some strange reason I wanted to taste him again.

Too bad he was an asshole.

I knew he was cruel but I had no idea he was that cruel. He was smart and I underestimated him but he did not have to take it that far.

He forced me to drink the liquor to its last bit. A cruel punishment if you asked me because he could have thrown the drinks away.

"Is everything alright in here?" We both looked to Andre who wore tired eyes.

"Yes, I thought you were getting a night's rest" I told him and he laughed.

"I could say the same about you Miss Henderson" he told me and I laughed. He was referring to the mischief we created earlier tonight.

I nodded with a smile while Deciero said nothing.

"Well, goodnight" he stated and I nodded.

Andre grabbed a bottle of water and left, the conversation continuing fifteen minutes after.

"He likes you" Deciero pointed out and I narrowed my eyes at him. Not to bad criminal boy, why not change the topic?

"Please don't try to change the topic" I missed and he barely his teeth.

"That is right butterfly, you tried to drug me by stealing from daddy" he hissed and I tried to move but my knees felt like jello.

That was not a fair choice of words from a criminal mind.

"It was not stealing" I hissed because that was the last word I needed to hear from a man who respected no law.

As he mentions ever so often, he did and watched very terrible things. He would spill blood for his very own pot of gold.

"So let us say it was not stealing, why drug my drink?" He asked and I stared at him.

"If you knew the drink was drugged why force me to drink it?" I asked and he took a deep breath.

"¿De qué otra manera te castigaría mariposa? (How else would I punish you butterfly?" He asked and I slapped him in the chest.

"You and I both know that I don't speak scrambles, now answer me!" I hissed.

"A question is not the answer for a question" he told me and I moved forward, my movement quite firm.

"That was our baby" I whispered, Deciero finally showing his emotions.

"There was nothing else that I would love to do but hold you. Have you forgotten that my room is next to yours? I really do care about you" he told me and I shook my head.

"No you don't, if you did you would have allowed me to take my revenge" I told him firmly as he touched my face.

I swatted that hand away.

"I am selfish but when I say that you are important to me please believe me." He told me and I attempted walking off only for him to hold me.

"I can handle myself" I warned as the whole room was now spinning along with my head. Deciero lowered, my dead weight being brought over his shoulder.

My arms hung, my fingers finding comfort in the loop of his pants. A rough hand pulled the fingers away and the more I jerked was the more I was tempted to empty my stomach on this man's back.

"The ground is sinking" I mumbled as he paused, the sound of a door being unlocked filling the quiet atmosphere.

"So is your intelligence" he replied as we entered a bed room, my body being thrown onto the bed. I sunk my palms to the bed in an attempt to sit up but a warm hand pressed to my stomach.

"Water should help you somewhat but you will have to drink lots of it" he told me and I was was thrown down aggressively as I tried to touch him.

He felt my pockets, his hand cluchting the metal that residents there. He left the room and closed the door behind him.

I wanted to stand so badly but for some odd reason I wanted to sleep. The door opened, Deciero returning with two bottles of water.

He closed the door behind him only to staring at the biggest pain in his a**.


"Does your father even know you stole from him?" He asked and all I could see was three Deciero. It was a bit hard to decide which one to trust.

"I want you" It came out before I could even stop it, Deciero taking me by the back of my head to a sitting position.

I swallowed the water only to release the water swallowed onto his face. Deciero wiped the water away as though it was something natural like sweat, the water being placed to the night table.

"No entiendo por qué me gustas. Estas al lado del diablo
(I don't understand why I like you. You are next to the devil)" he whispered as he uses the sheets to dry my wet chest.

I wish I spoke his language, maybe collage would grant me the chance of learning.

I was on my back once again, my eyes fixed on the circular ceiling above me.    I gasped when I could feel his knee pressed against me, my hair being gripped in a rough fashion.

My eyes fluttered, his lips pressing to my forehead.

"When you want something you ask for it, I'm disappointed that you would try to jump me" he lectured and I closed my eyes.

"I was reckless in my doing so you are free to blame me." He told me and the rest of his words went unheard as I was captured my the land of slumber.

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