Chapter Thirty Three- A Moment Here

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Sivana's Pov

"Are you okay?" Miley asked and I turned to look at the girl that had her gaze fixed on the road. At least she was a careful driver because with her rocky personality that was the last thing expected.

I drove as if I had just left the asylum yet I had such a sweet personality. The cruelty life chose to offer the good people.

"Why do you think something is wrong?" I asked and she smiled.

I did not like that smile because it looks as though she had me figured out. She barely knew me for a a few weeks the max.

"Well for one you ain't talking" she told me and my lips quivered the moment she said that. She wasn't the only one who saw me in such a lighting.

This pulled in the feelings I was trying so hard to let go of. I released a awful cry before speaking.

"He said that too" I was crying by this time so Miley pulled off the road and the car with our other body guards shot by us.

The break lights came on in the distance, the reverse light coming on the moment the road was clear. I could just picture the men sweating due to the sudden action of the woman they were supposed to be protecting.

Miley freed her seatbelt, her face expression soft. Our body guards parked right before us, my phone going off.

The device was connected to the car's radio so I answered it through that method. A gruff voice filled my ears.

"Miss Henderson..." I rolled my eyes until I cracked.

"I'm having a breakdown Andre, is that not normal for a woman my age?" I asked and the call ended. The two guards that once occupied the vehicle made their exit.

One guard belonged to me while the other belonged to Miley. The same could be said for the one seated in the backseat of Miley's car.

There was a tap on my glass as Miley hugged me. She gazed at the guards that were inside and outside of the vehicle.

"Can we have a private moment?" She asked and like a genie in a bottle the men granted her wish. She pushed me away just to stare at me.

"What are you babbling about?" She asked and I dried my eyes.

"I really liked him Miles" I told her and Miley took a deep breath.

"First of all if you are going to give me a nick name don't call me Miles, that sounds so awful. Secondly use names honey, it would make the conversation easier if I knew who you were referring to" she told me and now I was the one to take a deep breath.

"When we get to your place we will have the conversation" I told her as I gazed at the mental seats behind us. They pretended not to look at me and I narrowed my eyes at the pair.


"You told him you loved him during sex?" Miley basically screamed at me and I covered my face. I was definitely an idiot.

I'm so glad I skipped the detail of me giving him head. Sometimes I could still taste him.

What? No, that made me sound like some sicko.

"I had to tell him how I felt" I told her and she gathered and invisible object and threw it at me. I covered my head.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I should be asking you, you are dodging invisible objects" she shrugged after saying that. She wasted no time getting the car on the road however.

"You should have kept your feelings to yourself. He was not making love to you, you wrew being f*cked" sge hissed.

"Well thanks for the compliment" I hissed.

"Someone has to say it Siv. The guy was pounding the hell out of you while he warned you not to love him and you screamed that you did" she hissed at me.

Well what do you know, one of my friend's many personalities was a viper. I frowned at her, my action was completely understandable.

"Are you my friend or the b*tch who highlights my stupidity?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I'm both at the current moment" she told me and I rolled my eyes. I then saddened.

"If I told him I though it would change something between us. That he would feel sometging for me and we would run off together" I told her truthfullly and she reached across to hold my hand.

"He does feel sonething for you hazel eyes and that is exactly why he didn't drag you behind him" she told me as I leaned on my free hand as I stared at her.

"How would you know that, you weren't even there. He would always say I slow him down." I pointed out clearly.

She pondered on my statement.

"I don't have to be there to analyze a situation" she stated as she stood. She packed the kitchen only to pause in ordee look at me.

"He could have played you. Another male would have pretended to be something he's not just so that he could have you wrapped around their finger" she stated and I stared at him.

"I did give him my virginity so I fail to see what you are getting at" I was a honest friend so what she said earlier had to be known for what it was.


"Siv broke your heart the best way he could" she stated and my eyes twitched. What was this girl getting at?

"You are making me feel worse somehow" I told her and she took a long and deep breath.

"Sivana I think he took your innocence to prevent you from meeting upon a disaster in college. Guys who would make you their call girl and while you think it is impossible you would be." She paused but she surely did not hold back.

"You would mistake a mans lust for love so you would always show. He could not bare the thought of another man getting the honour of stripping your innocence only to use you. He knows that he is not the best person for so that is why he walked away, you did nothing wrong so get that out your little head" she told me and all I did was stare.

"What?" She asked and I closed my eyes.

"Everything you says make sense. If none of that is true he is really sweet" I stated as I toyed with my fingers. She hugged me, our cheeks touching where I smiled.

She was beginning to feel like the sister I never had.

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