Chapter Thirteen- Life's Design

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Sivana's POV

I was going to be reunited with my father within two weeks. The man must be worried sick about me because as far as the media knew, I was kidnapped with the aim of restoration at a high price.

Well somebody would be crazy to kidnap me though. I was far worst than a cracked egg in mental reference.

Deciero was still a hard fellow to read at this point because there were moments he chose to be nice and moments where he chose to be cold. I was surprised that he agreed in allowing me to contact my father.

Furthermore while he spoke i his mother tongue he seemed calm when addressing my old man. Well for the sake of my father father sending me to college after this I hoped so.

That would be the hurdle I attempt later becuse right now all I cared about is getting back to the house I grew up in. There were many reasons to be ecstatic but the most important one was to see my father again.

I glanced at Deciero's back as we walked on the chilly streets. From this handle it was extremely funny to watch him walk.

The man moved like a robot with faulty wiring. I covered my lips with four fingers in order to chuckle lightly.

By now it was midday and the sun was still very much out of sight. Well the winter was approaching alright.

"Mom look!" My attention was drawn the moments I heard the voice of a child. That child was a boy no older than seven years old.

He was a sweet little boy with deep blue eyes and coffee coloured skin. He held something seemed precious in his hands and his mother came over to see what it was.

I was captivated by the small action.

I smiled as I hugged myself. I watched from a distance as the little boy generate a conversation about the item found.

My happiness turned over as the sad reality caved in. I was truly wasting my life.

A girl my age should be in college, not working a minimum wage job. To make the feeling worst my parents held a satus in society and I was degrading that status day by day.

I should be spending daddy's money on something that we could both be proud of. My family should be proud as I lift the Henderson name but instead I was eager to let it fall.

What's wrong with me.

Seeing this little boy made me wonder where I would be in a few years from now. I loved children but the chances of me having a child is quite slim.

I was old fashioned so I believed in marriage before sex and furthermore children. Any child born outside of wedlock would be living in punishment.

There was no need to punish a child.

The reason I say this is because when my parents devoirced my whole world fell apart. It was one of the worst feelings in this world.

Even in adulthood I wanted my parents to get back together so that things could be returned to the way they were remembered. I rubbed my arm in an attempt to generate heat.

The boy was now hugging his mum, tiny hands resting on her cheek. I gave a sad smile as she kissed his forehead.

This was adorable but I could not have it. That life was not designed for a spoiled rich kid like me.

In the world of the rich, people marry for everything besides love. That was what happened to my mum and very same thing would happen to me.

"We need to go" I stiffened when I heard Deciero's voice behind me. The last time I checked the man was a couple feet before me.

"I know. I'm sorry" I told him as he was lead the way once again.


Train rides were boring but my companion seemed to enjoy boredom. I sighed heavier than before, Deciero continuing to read his rather boring magazine.

I sighed extremely heavy, so heavy that wanted eyes were looking at the woman seated next to the man wearing a hat and shades.

"You are pulling unwanted attention Sivana" I was told and I learned on his shoulder.

"I am bored" I mumbled and I turned to look at him.

"Then find something to occupy your time" he carried on and I sighed.

"The last time I checked you broke it soon after we met" I had no idea I spoke too loudly until all eyes faced us once again.

I glanced upwards to find that Deciero was staring at e as well. Now why was everyone looking at me like that?

"The last time I checked you broke it soon after we met". I froze as though cement was poured onto me.

Why is it I had the tendency to say the wrong things at the wrong time. Like a rose without water I dried to nothing in my seat.

"Damn it, I talk too damn much sometimes" I whispered to myself and Deciero placed my head against his shoulder in a more comfortable fashion.

"I agree" he stated and I slammed y fist to his ribs in a discrete fashion. He didn't even move , it was as though I tapped him in the area.

He turned the page of his magazine, my eyes growing tired the more I stared at the black and white pages.

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