Chapter Seventeen- Chemistry?

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Chains- Nick Jonas

Deciero's POV

"My intention was not to leave you behind. I did make you my bait and for that I apologize" I would try the honest road because lying to her at this point would only make the situation worse.

Women liked honesty right?

She turned to gaze up at me, hazel eyes now cold. Apparently she was a rare woman because my statement seemed to upset her.

"Hearing you say that is supposed to make me feel better?" She was extremely angry and this was a first since I had been around her.

The biggest disagreement we had was due to my unintentional disrespect to her father. Besides that she was an okay woman, she talked a lot but she was okay.

"I never left you behind Henderson, if I did you would not be here" I told her calmly and she stared up at me.

"I'm the thorn in your side and I get that but you could at least have the decency to say you are leaving me behind" she stood, her arms crossed.

"I woke up earlier to secure you by not traveling with you. Men came after me Sivana and those were government men. With you I would not be able to take down those me." That was my justification but Sivana didn't seem to believe.

"The men that came in the hotel room was just as eager to kill" she pointed out.

"I agree but if I was there we would both be dead. They would not kill you because you were alone and you are a woman" I told her and before she could hit me I held her fist.

"I'm supposed to feel good that those men were going to rape me?" She asked and I gave her a odd stare. At no point in time did those words leave my lips.

"That is unlikely, that was the reason I asked my cousin for such a risky favour" I was now yelling at this point and Sivana did not seem to appreciate it.

"What if they killed him?!" She screamed and I was about to speak when the door opened. We turned to face the couple that owned this cabin.

My parents.


"You told them I'm your girlfriend?!" I covered her mouth, if I wanted my parents to be aware of the poor plan I had constructed we would have been out there with them.

It was irritating enough to have her say it.

"My parents have no idea of what the media thinks of me, you see where they leave besides my father basically runs from anything technological" I told her and Sivana looked around me to the couple who were having dinner.

The pair was primitive ever since I relaxed them after gaining a job in the us. I really did not blame them because technology had more pros than cons.

"I don't have to put up with this because you were going to feed me to the sharks" she whispered as she poked my chest.

I grit my teeth.

"For the last time I am sorry but I could not risk you getting hurt" I told her as I lead her to the dating area by the back.

When I pulled her chair out Sivana stared at me. I stepped on her foot and she sat down rather swiftly.

She was always quick to blow a cover.

I took my seat, my mother staring at me. She wiped her mouth with her napkin.

Sivana's plate was already empty in my opinion. She was an embarrassment whenever it involved food.

To my luck my parents didn't seem to mind. The way they looked at her was as though they liked her.

"We were beginning to think you were gay son" she confessed and I choked.

"Madre" I called and she smiled. Sivana smiled at me and I stepped on her foot once again.

"Did you know he were his bed until he was twelve years old?" My mother asked and my father gave a throat chuckle.

"Babe always leave out the details" Sivana stated and I punched on the ass.

She punched my thigh.

"We thought he would never stop" my father chimed in and Sivana laughed in a vulgar manner. I turned to look at her, she seemed to be enjoying this.

"How long will you two be staying?"  My father asked as I took a sip of my whine.

"Until the storm passes" I stated and my mother gave a odd stare.

"Storm, what storm?" She asked and I expected the question so I was prepared to answer it.

"There is a snow storm coming in a few days, heard it on the news tjis mornig" I inforned her as I placed my fork to my empty plate.

"We are going to retire for the night",I informed my parents. My father raised his glass.

"You kids go on ahead" he stated and my mother stood.

"Let me show you two to the guess room" she stated as she lead the way.

She opened the door for us, Sivana turning to her with a smile. My mother returned the gesture.

"Thank you so much" she stated and my mother took Sivana by tge hand.

"No thank you, if it wasn't for you our son would not here" she stated as she pulled away to close the door.

I threw Sivana to the bed and the woman looked at me as though her heart had stopped beating. I placed my lips to her ear.

"My mother is still at our door" I informed her and the woman was too stiff to respond. I leaned in on one elbow, the free hand lifting the waistband of her underwear once her dress was up.

"You better get off me" she whispered and I gave her s bitter stare.

"This won't last long" I told her and and she stared at me bitterly.

It was a surprise to find her arouse and now embarrassed the woman beneath me looked away from me. She stared at my mother's shadow that was waiting to hear something.

My mother was quite surprised to find that her uptight son was dating someone's daughter. Sivana groaned the moment I slipped a finger into her, that finger moving teasingly slow.

Her hips moved and I stared down at her, nails sinking to the skin of my biceps as she spread her legs further. She gripped the sheets, her cries growing louder and it was in that moment my mother moved.

I removed my finger as I rolled on my back, Sivana taking deep breaths next to me. After a few minutes I stood and  headed for the bathroom.

I stared at my reflection the moment I saw my reflection.

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