Chapter Twelve- Phone Booth

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Deciero's Pov

My previous attempts had failed. It was as though the woman was knocked out cold after the two energy bars were consumed.

I simply took a deep breath and jerked her shoulder with the hope that her entire arm would fall off. Even in the midst of slumber she was still stubborn.

"It's time to get up" I told her as I placed my gun behind me, a hand reached towards. Her eyes were red and puffy but that was all on her.

She gave up additional rest to argue over what almost cost her life. A hamburger, drinks and fries.

She took my hand, her almost healed knee being cupped by her free hand. I grabbed her bag, Sivana staring me oddly.

"Aren't we going to shower or something?" She asked and I nodded. Was that somehow a rhetorical question?

"More like a bath" I told her as I lead the way. Sivana's stomach growled behind me.

"This is all on you" she hissed and I kept my gaze on my aim. If the food was off great importance she would have kept it close.

"You were the one to leave my company remember" I was quite tired of the constant blame. If she cooperated as I would desire we would have less hiccups.

"Oh, now I remember why I met upon trouble" she hissed before she kept silent. I stopped and the woman walked right into my back.

I showed my teeth but said nothing regarding her tendency to be clumsy. I stepped aside, my hand pointing towards that which was before us.

She gazed at the body of water then at me. She repeated the gesture for about five times before she spoke.

"Okay so now you are kidding me" she laughed at her statement. Her face dried as she stared at the body of water in horror.

"You honestly can't expect me to throw my clothes and hop into a river" she told me and I stared at her.

"I expect nothing of you actually" I told her and her mouth fell open.

"While you decide on that I will take the other end" I told her.

"When I get to my father I will inform him of everything you put me through!" She yelled after me as I mount the bridge.

I turned to look at her.

"If you do not wish to take a bath there is no need to make an argument out of it" with that I continued.


"This sauce is amazing!" she was an embarrassment. To my luck this restaurant was practically empty so there was no one besides a old man to see us.

He would not recognize us though because it seemed as though the fellow could hardly see his meal. I looked to Sivana who had no regards to cleanliness at the moment.

The table was a mess and her stomach was quite large, it is only fair to say all the food went to her lower body.

Her chest was in great need.

"Could you be a bit more gentle?" I asked before taking a sip of my cool beverage. She stared at me with a greasy mouth.

"Says the man who broke my knee" she hissed as she chewed heavily. I issued a stare of great dislike. I wished she would stop saying that.

"It was not intentional" I hissed and she stuck her tongue at me.

"It was not intentional" she teased as chewed like a pig. I flexed my fingers.

"We have something to do remember" it was just a small hint for her to hurry up.

"And I'm hungry remember. Energy bars are not food" she told me as if I didn't already know that.

"I wouldn't mind if you sped that up because you and I know that we don't have the best look" I told her as I gestured to her food that was scattered as she collapsed the greasy items with her bare hands.


She stared up at me as her fingers caressed the phone, her eyes moist. I leaned against glass, Sivana taking a deep breath.

"Daddy" she greeted, my arms crossed as I continued to stare at her.

"Yes I am fine. I am not kidnapped as you may think so there is no reason to worry about me" she turned to look at me, the phone being handed to me gently.

"Mr. Henderson" I greeted stiffly but the man surprised me when he greeted in another language.

"Toca a mi hija y te castraré a mano. (Touch my daughter and I will castrate you by hand.)" His voice was firm, drenched with venom.

"Mantenga la calma, viejo, su hija será devuelta a salvo. (Remain calm old man, your daughter will be returned to you safely.)" My statement seemed to surprise him because he was silent for a short moment.

"No puedo creer que devolverás a mi hija sin un precio. ¿Qué es lo que quieres de mí? (I fail to believe that you will return my daughter without a price. What is it you want from me?)" He carried on and I arched a brow.

"No quiero nada de ti ni de tu ex esposa. Los mismos hombres que están detrás de mí ahora están interesados ​​en su hija. (I want nothing from you nor your ex wife. The same men that are after me are now interested in your daughter.)" I began as I looked down at Sivana who was now crying.

She was ecstatic. Her greatest joy was to be returned to her father.

"El regreso de su hija le brindará la seguridad que necesita. Solo puedo protegerla por este corto tiempo porque su presencia me frena. (Your daughter's return will be bring her the safety she needs. I can only protect her for this short while because her presence slow me down.)" I confessed as I pulled Sivana from the floor of the booth.

The area was cold because slowly we were approaching the winter season. She was already the nail in my foot and if she should fall ill she would leave me with one leg.

"Tienes dos semanas Si no cumples con la fecha límite, iré tras de ti. (You have two weeks. If you fail to meet the deadline I will come after you.)" He hissed and I stared into hazel eyes.

"I give you my word." With that said I returned the phone to Sivana's trembling hand.

"Daddy, I love you" she stated and I exit the phone booth, giving her the privacy she needed.

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