Chapter Thirty Six- To Safety

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Deciero's POV

"This one seems to be working" the guard by the name of Andre announced and it did not looked as though he was speaking to Henderson. He was staring at Henderson's daughter instead.

To be more specific her exposed chest.  He caught my stare and looked elsewhere.

Sivana was just like I remembered her. Oblivious to every and anything.

"Good because you and your new acquaintance will be behind us" Henderson hissed and Miley was not satisfied with the statement.

"Michael was just as good as Andre when those men came in Sir" she flared and the one called Michael made no effort in defending himself.

It was clear that Henderson's daughter had the stronger protection. Andre was a bit more alert than Michael.

Henderson only hummed in response and Andre got the car started while the other joined himp0
P as a passenger. Sivana stared up at her father with worried eyes.

"Dad what's going on, I thought I would be safe" Sivana stated as this was the perfect diversion I needed.

"So did I" Henderson stated gruffly. He checked his daughter face for bruises.

"Dad I'm confused" she confessed softly. So was I, why is it the night we met it was similar to opening a can filled with worms.

The girls gaze was fixed to Sivana's father so I discarded the mask quickly in order to put my helmet on. Miley faced me and I threw her the second helmet.

Miley put her helmet on swiftly and I could summize that she was quite fanilar with bikes. Sivana received her helmet in a calmer manner as her father hopped on first, Sivana following suit but she held onto the bike as opposed to her father.

I tilt my bike gently and before I could even steady it Miley hopped on. I grit my teeth as I stared at nothing due to her stupidity.

I had to swing my legs over the bike very swiftly but she surprised me by placing her arms around me. I raised one eyebrow.

"At least I get the sexy one" she teased and Sivana rolled her eyes while her father stared at the girl in disapproval. It is fair to agree that the heat thrown landed on the right person.

I grit my teeth as I moved the handle of the motor cycle, gesturing for Henderson to focus on that which was necessary. We had to get the girls to safety.

Henderson rode off first and I followed lightly, Miley's hands straying. I used one hand to bring her hand else where.

This girl was a pervert. Was years away from being her father.

I watched my mirror, it was not hard to realise that we were being followed. The gaurds were right behind us while another car was closing in.

Also, it was greatly expected because as mentioned before this entire thing was organised. Someone was playing two sides on Henderson and there was only one person to suspect.

His only living body guard.

"Can you ride a bike?" I asked as I dodged a bus. Miley's hold on me tightened.

"Yes? Why do you ask?" She yell over heavy wind and I moved the bike closer to the car Andre was driving.

"Take control and follow your friend." I told her as I let go of the bike as like I  assumed Miley was quite quick.

I was on the roof of the car only to move the roof of the intended car. I removed my gun which was used to break the glass, three shots being issued.


I crossed my arms the moment I entered the room after Henderson. I had obtained a few bruises bit I handled those myself.

I did not trust Henderson and I never would. Men like that used you until you broke. He stared at me only to hand me a bear.

I stared at the bottle hesitantly. This was a peace offering I would have to refused.

"You are no longer a threat to me Esperitro" he told me as he took a sip of his bear.

"When you asked for my loyalty, what exactly are you insinuating?" I asked and he stared at me for a few second.

"I want you to work for me" he clarified and I eyed him.

"I work alone. I'm give my loyalty to no one, you know that" I hissed.

"You will be paid" he clarified and I took a deep breath.

"Why torture me with the numerous men by your side. They are very much capable" I stated and he gave me a flat stare.

"Now is not the time for a joke Esperitro" he told me and like licked my teeth.

"I need you to protect my daughter" he told me and I placed the beer down.

"Your daughter is not very fond of me right now" I told him stiffly and I he nodded.

"She's upset with me as well because I paid you. Seems as though you two had formed a friendship" he stated and I considered his statement.

"Far from it, she was eager to be returned to you. She won't be excited with my return" I told him.

"So you agree then" he stated and I gave a firm nod.

"As much as I prefer to work alone I she will need more body gaurds" I stated.

"I've considered that thought so you will work alongside Andre and five others" he told me and I considered his statement.

I could work with that.

"Then it is fair to assume you have a place ready for her to stay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes I do, I always expect the worse in every situation. I contacted Miley's father so until he show up here without weaponry like I asked him to let's break the news to my daughter" he instructed and I took a deep breath.

Vote and comment guys. How do you think Sivana will react to Deciero's sudden return?

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