Chapter Nineteen- Blizzard

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Sivana's Pov

The snow storm Deciero spoke of so often was finally here after four days. It was awful and I felt as though the snow was keeping me indoors on purpose.

I was currently seated by the fire next to the man who made my life a living hell. I rubbed my hands together discretely.

I was extremely cold even with the presence of the fire. I played it off well though as I turned to look at the man next to me who had a warm bowl of soup in hand.

"How long do snow storms last?" I asked because it was quite clear that I was loosing my mind slowly. Being that Deciero was unsure as to when the storm was coming I had to stay indoors at all times.

Precautions he says.

"Between four to ten hours" he told me and I groaned. I was freezing to death and this man seemed so relaxed and warm. 

What the hell was his remedy?

 "Would you like some of my soup?" he asked me and the heat coming from the soup made me crave it instantly. I took the ceramic bowl from his hand and placed it to my lips immediately.

He relaxed on his back with his arms beneath hid head as he stared at the ceiling. If I did not know better I would say he actually made the soup for me.

"This is good" I told him as I could feel the warm liquid make it's way down after leaving a familiar heavenly taste on my tongue. Deciero turned to look at me, grey eyes quite calmer than I usually remembered.

"Everything Madre prepares has that effect" he replied proudly and I smiled. He had all the reasons to to be proud because my mother was the total opposite. 

My mother loved accessories more than food. The woman avoided the kitchen at all costs and I really didn't blame her.

She could burn water with ease. It did not matter to my father because it was a flaw he accepted. I was rather lucky to obtain my father culinary skills so it was fair to say if I chose to have kids they would enjoy my meals. 

"She's wonderful. She did my hair earlier today" I stated proudly. Deciero took a while before he spoke.

Maybe talking about his mother in such a familiar manner was a bad idea. This was only for show so it really did not matter how his mother felt about me.

"I saw" he told me and now I felt nervous. Here I was discussing his parents as though we were a real couple. I bit on my lower lip.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Do you ever get scared?" I asked as the bowl was now empty and placed next to me. That was a stupid question but there was no way to stop it because it already came out.

"It is a human trait butterfly" he confirmed and I fold my legs under each other as I watched the fire. There he goes with that butterfly thing again.

"Christopher Columbus is at it again" I hissed and he cracked his fingers. Apparently he was cold as well but he had a better way of hiding it.

"What if I never make it back home?" I asked as I turned to look at him, Deciero issuing a rather lazy stare.

"Why would you think like that?" He asked and I looked away from him. I stared at the fired instead.

"It is quite possibly and I cannot fight as well as you do. I'm an easy kill" I had never been this scared in my life.

"You are not supposed to worry about that" he stated and I knew he was a bit upset that I said it. I really had to.

"You said it yourself, I will only slow you down and-" 

"I saod that out of anger and I was referring to your stubborn nature. If I knew it bothered you that much I would have clarified my statement" he told me and I kept silent for a few minutes.

I watched the flames movie, the only thing that was bringing me a bit close to warmth. I bit on my lower lip once again.

"What will happen to you after we part ways?" I asked and he did not issue a reply.

I crossed my arms.

"There is no need to be rude" I hissed but when I turned to look at him his eyes were closed. The way his chest moved it was clear that he was sleeping.

My eyes grew wide. Oh wow.

I curled up next to him, the mat providing a bit of warmth as the man next to me snoared. I cringed as my poor ears suffered.

The closer I moved towards the man next to me the warmer I felt. Still looking at him I placed my head to his chest gently.

He didn't move so I relaxed, my hand resting on his chest gently. While I was too young to understand my feelings deep down I knew I was beginning to feel something for this man.

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