Chapter 35

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I started writing this chapter approximately a year and a half ago. I'm picking up where I left off. Sorry if the quality of the writing abruptly changes or I miss any details I'd been fixated on previously. Comment if I messed anything up and I'll fix it ASAP.

Love you guys!

When Russia came back to consciousness, he stretched a little and turned his gaze up. He felt much more well rested than he had the previous day, that was for sure. He saw America asleep below him and he blinked before trying to get up slowly.

"Nooooo." The smaller country protested, his eyes still shut.

"What?" Russia asked in confusion, as America's hand landed on his back. He gave the other country a wtf look.

"Don't fuggin' move, I'm warm." America said, cracking open one eye and smiling. Russia just stared at him for a moment with his eyes narrowed before shaking his head and sighing. (America- PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOUUUUULLDEEEEERR-) he pushed himself up anyways and scooter back against the wall, feeling the warmth from between him and America dissipate. America sat up with a pouty look. "I was comfortable.." he complained.

"That sucks." Russia said, crossing his arms like usual. (Russia- that's gay.) America chuckled, knowing he was being stubborn like usual.

"Did you sleep well?" The smaller country questioned, tracing some random shapes into Russia's blanket with his finger. Russia hesitated for a moment, seemingly thinking, before he nodded. America looked at him while smiling brightly- he was satisfied that he was able to help with Russia's sleep problems. Although the dark bags under the taller country's eyes hadn't faded yet, America knew they would eventually if he could get Russia to sleep more... it would just take lots of time. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at Russia from the bed.

"What day is it?" He asked. Russia looked at him like he was stupid.

"You asked me this last night... today is Sunday."

"Oh. Right. Aha sorry." The shorter country laughed awkwardly and smiled again. He chewed his lip. "Did Canada send you anything?"

Feeling drowsy and lazy, Russia leaned across the bed to grab his phone and unlocked it, checking his messages. He handed the device to America to look at himself.

"Wow, you trust me with your unlocked phone?" He joked, looking back up at the Slav.

"There is nothing in it to worry about?" Russia replied, a little confused.

"You're telling me- if I went into your search history I wouldn't find any porn in there?"

Russia was silent for a second, trying to figure out what the other meant by that. Once it clicked he felt his face get a little warm from such an accusation and rolled his eyes. "Блать, Америка..." he grumbled in disappointment. (No guys, he doesn't have porn in his phone- America totally would though LOL)

Ame laughed and read the texts:

🇨🇦 • Dad decided that if you come back you're gonna be grounded in your room for however long, he doesn't know.
I'm guessing he'd want to have a talk with you when you come back.
🇷🇺 • Hey Canada, it's me, ame. Russia lent me his phone. Does dad know where I'm at?
🇨🇦 • Ame! I'm glad you're okay. I had to tell him where you were because mom was going to freak out if you weren't safe, dad is kind of pissed with you... but I think he's glad you're not dead somewhere.
🇷🇺 • Okay... when am I safe to come home...?
🇨🇦 • mom wants you home asap... but I'd say maybe you should come home tomorrow if possible. At least if dad gets pissed of at you, you'll be at school and not stuck at home?
Is Russia okay with that...?
🇷🇺 • I'll ask one sec

"Uhm... Russia?"

Russia hummed in response, looking up from the floor to meet the other country's gaze. Ame was tempted to get lost in his gaze again, but he couldn't ;(. Instead he held he phone and just asked what needed to be asked. "Do you think I can stay here the rest of the day...? I mean... um, if not it's okay and I can leave but Canada said th.."

"Да, you stay. It's fine." Russia waved his hand dismissively with a sigh. America felt himself grin and he happily leaned over and hugged the taller country.

"You're a life saver, thank you." America beamed. Russia just patted his back awkwardly while sitting there. America leaned back a little to look at Russia's face. His bruises from the fight were majorly improved and the eye bags were slightly smaller, he thought. America's one thought though was that the other country looked very cute. And handsome... fuck.

(Are y'all ready lmao. You better fuckin be)

He wasn't sure why he did this... but before America moved out of the hug, he leaned in close and gave the larger country a peck on the cheek.

(*Epic time travel montage*- this is where 2021 me picks up on 2019/2020 me's writing. Enjoy!)

Russia looked listless. As if he was in a daze, he stared blankly at the wall; his affection-deprived brain trying to comprehend what America was doing. After a long moment, he glanced away, grumbling to himself. America quickly withdrew his arms in embarrassment, realizing he probably just crossed the line.

"Sorry, I- I should have asked, or.. uh.." The 13-striped country's face slowly became airbrushed with pink as he stumbled over his words. The both of them were vexed as they awkwardly sat in place. Russia's hands were now draped haphazardly around his knees, probably in his usual defensive manner. The larger country's head was turned away, so Ame couldn't tell if he was embarrassed, annoyed, upset, or any other negative emotion that he would feel guilty for causing. He picked at his nails nervously for a moment, thinking.

"'S fine." Russia finally slurred, his head still facing the wall. His tone was flat and virtually expressionless, drawing a sigh from Ame. He'd crossed the line, hadn't he? Dammit. Was the progress he was making to build relations with Russia ruined now? After the help he was offered, did Ame really just make Rus feel uncomfortable in his own home? He retreated from the bed slowly, feeling heat rush up his neck from nervousness.

"I'm, uh, gonna use the bathroom real quick.."

As the smaller country practically bolted from the room, Russia sat unmoving. Eventually, after the author was sure he'd started growing moss on his back, his hand slowly rose up to touch his cheek. He could practically still feel Ame's lips pressed against his skin.

Quite obviously against his will, he felt warmth rise up into his face, and pulled his hat down, flustered.


He was hiding from Ame because he's a little tsundere cockroach baby man.

I'll try doodling some of your favorite countries as a returning gift since I've been dead on here for the past year. Just comment what countries you'd like to see and I'll doodle some of the most commented names. Sorry for the relatively short chapter, I have to read back and catch up on wherever the heck I left off in this cliche-ass plot line.

Take care, everyone! 😌💅🏻

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