MoF Day 21: Advice

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**Here's another Spiderverse chapter. Hey, what can I say, I'm a sucker for Miles "who's Morales?" Morales. Seriously one of the best films in my opinion. Good movie. Also, I'm upset because the roommate, Ganke, was supposed to play a larger role, but when Ned in Spiderman Homecoming got so big, and they borrowed so much Ganke traits to make Ned, they decided to cut Ganke out of the Spiderverse movie. That was a rant and a half.  Anyways, enjoy!**

Miles paced his room, his roommate, Ganke, watched from his bed. Tugging at his hair, Miles made a grunt, then another, and then yelled in frustration. "I said 'nice to smeet you.'"

Ganke smiled, biting his lip to keep the laugh from escaping.

"'Nice to smeet you'."

Miles collapsed onto the desk chair his roommate usually commandeered and spun backwards, groaning as he did so.

"What if you just pretend that didn't happen and try again later in the term? She might not even remember it."

Miles peered at his roommate from between his fingers. "You really think she didn't tell all of her popular, beautiful, perfect friends about it?"

Ganke shrugged. "You could ask your dad?"

Miles laughed. "As if. He only cares about school, man, he'll be mad I even tried to make a move."

"What about your-" Ganke cut himself off. It was kind of an unspoken rule that the two didn't talk about Miles' uncle now. Miles knew what he was saying though.

"He was a great guy, but I never really understood his advice on girls. He always said 'do the shoulder touch'."

"The shoulder touch?"

"Yeah," Miles said with a shrug, turning the chair around to face Ganke. "Like this." The teen put his hand on his roommate's shoulder. "Hey."

Ganke immediately burst into laughter. "That might actually be worse than 'nice to smeet you'."

Miles rolled his eyes and pushed himself backwards, away from Ganke. "Come on, man!"

Miles couldn't help but laugh a little with his roommate, and pretty soon, both boys were rolling over themselves in fits of laughter. After a few moments, they calmed down, each one heaving as they caught their breath.

"Well, who else could you talk to?" Ganke finally asked.

"I guess I could ask the Spider gang. I mean, I' only supposed to call in emergencies, but they'd probably help a lot."

"I wouldn't call Gwen or Penni if I were you. They won't help at all, they're girls."

Miles nodded his head in thought. "That's true. But I could ask Peter and Noir and probably Porky."

Ganke tossed Miles his phone, which was on the bed next to him, and grabbed the plug in collider he and Miles had created after the whole King Pin showdown. Miles plugged it in, fired it up, and typed in the dimensional coordinates for 3 of the 5 Spider gang.

"Hey, Miles," Peter greeted, his face popping up first.

"Nice to see ya, kid."

"As pigs would say: oink!" Porky's face was pressed up close to the phone on his side, making the image slightly blurry and indistinguishable.

"Hey, guys. I was-"

"Where's Gwen and Penni?" Peter asked, cutting Peter off. "While everyone is on the phone, I have exciting news!"

"Wasn't this for emergencies only?" Noir asked.

Porky got even closer to the camera somehow. "Exciting news?"

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