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First things first I decided to go with Mauro's P.O.V. So for the people who wanted Brynn. I sowy!

Also I hope everyone is being safe! The world is changing some people don't like that. Change is good and this change is AMAZING!

I love you all so much!!!



Mauro's P.O.V.

My hands are trembling and I can start to feel the blood soak through my dress pants on my knees.

"Brynn?" I softly say as my shaky hand nudges her shoulder.

She's soaked in blood. I don't know if it's hers or the abundance of dead bodies that's scattered across the floor but it's everywhere.

"Your whore landed on me and made me hit my head."

I turn around to see Mia had gotten off the floor. She must have blacked out for a small amount of time after hitting her head.

"Quite frankly I don't give a fuck. Maybe it'll knock some sense into you."

"Is she dead?" She leans over my shoulder to look at the lifeless body behind me.

I turn back around and slip my hands under Brynn's pale body. She plops down against my chest with dead weight and I can get a better look at her injuries.

Scratches and bruises litter her arms. A bullet hole is prominent on her shoulder causing blood to pour out. Her nose is crooked from breaking and dried blood formed around her mouth. My heart is shattered from seeing this beauty so broken.

I take my two fingers and press on the outside of her neck to check her pulse. The faintest pressure would bounce against my fingers and I couldn't tell if it's my pulse or her pulse.

I didn't care though, it was enough for me to have hope. Immediately I run to the doors but before I could leave the building I felt tiny fists hitting my back.

"What are you doing? You're saving her? If it were me you'd let me die! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Mia was half crying at this point while I turn around to see what the fuck was hitting me.

"Mia I don't have time for your shit right now or ever!" I yell in her face.

"Whatever Mauro! No matter what you do you'll be a wife beater just like your schizophrenic father!"

My skin scrawls with the words she uses knowing they'll cut deep like a knife.

"I am NOTHING like my father." My voice is chilling, hell I even scared myself.

At this point I am fed up with her smart mouth. I don't care if her father is close with my family, I reach in my jacket pocket and pull out my .357 revolver. It's the gun that has been passed down for generations in my family.

Her eyes went wide but she had no time to react. I pulled the trigger aimed at her forehead and in half a second she's dead.

I look down back to Brynn remembering why I'm in a hurry in the first place.

Mia will never bother you again and I made sure of that.

She's getting colder and colder by the seconds. I reach the sports car that I left Brynn in to begin with and hauled ass out of the drive way.

The drive back to the house felt like an eternity but when in reality I probably got home in ten minutes.

The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon creating a gorgeous glow of orange.

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